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Three of those are black men. We’ve seen what happens to black men who try to speak up about abuse in Hollywood.

Man. The first movie had so many great visual gags that I have no idea how a sequel can top it.

One atom says, “Hey, I think I lost an electron!”

Of course they did. Was there anything that suggested differently?

This can’t be right, because Tucker Carlson had an elected republican representative on his show this week assuring us that the whole LV shooting was done by ISIS and it is all a big conspiracy to cover it up. Why would every major news outlet cover up for ISIS, you ask?

Despite a lot of fans disliking the Moffat era, I actually think that it had way more hits than misses. There are stretches that I didn’t like — most of the 6th series (where Eleven loses Amy and Rory and then finds Clara) and quite a bit of Twelve’s first season (god, “Kill the Moon” was...blurgh). But Moffat’s first

Suicide .. or made look like a suicide. The conspiracy theorist in me wants to know.


The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

What? No Guardians? Where are the Guardians? I thought this was supposed to have—(“who the hell are you guys?”)—AHHHHH!

The last thing you see before you die? No.

The first thing you see after you die.

Forget that - what does the Space Slug eat?

More like droopy penis but ok?....

While the movie and premise sound great, Natalie Portman just kind of ruins it for me. I mean, I know she can act when she wants to, but she just seems to mail it in on anything that isn’t some high art piece. She was one of the worst parts of the prequels and Thor movies. And I know my wife liked the movie, but I

I’m holding out for the inevitable Dark Horse Aliens Vs. Avatar miniseries.

Good god, if I went to high school with these assholes (and let’s be real, I probably did go to high school with assholes exactly like these who were at least smart enough not to pull shit like this) I’d hope they have some epic fall from grace. Way to go, dudes. Popular high school dudes with abs make a rape joke and

That’s what he gets for tricking the frog!

I’m still laughing at that sentence, because it’s still funny.

Quark puns. Love 'em.