
YIKES how old are you?

I kind of think it will be a mirror darkly (or brightly lol) to our culture right now...

Look if you have no choice we have no argument. Nor am I saying everyone is atypical or was this a personal attack. But if you have a choice and want to support walmart you are free to do so.


No they sell Sony, and Nike, and Apple????

There is much that stays here you just have to look for it. And yep it is more expensive, and as I make more I modify my buying to support those companies. But I am not sure of your point.

Is it possibly more shiny because we already live in a Dystopia? And why does a Dystopia have to lack color? LOL

I am a sucker for heels not to wear of course LOL

serenada! Sometimes I totally get you, that or I am plastered...


On the Netflix? I doubt streaming...

I was watching these recently on Netflix ugh the quality barely DVD...

Look I mean no offense. I was trying to state that people today want what is cheap and now. It is hard for them to wait. They shop at a place that promotes low wages, creates human slavery (sure there are others but this article was about Wal-mart) and hyper-consumerism. I was hoping to point out if it offends you

So you would limit it, as I think we should but internationally not just in one country. And think it might arise through an ant like or social insect like simulation instead of a human like robot.

I have been poor extremely so...if you want a sad sob story I can tell you one of my childhood with a single mother raising two kids and living on the street.

All I am trying to say is that other generations (as did I) on much, much less, and we didn't need big government to over see it. We just had less and did without something a lot of people can't fathom. I don't have multiple phones, cars or TV's this was unheard of in my generation I even knew poor families who did

Look this was not point directly at you. I know exactly how much it is to buy Walmart's crappy produce vs. a local grower. I have kids too. You really don't save money at Wallys they stick it to you in other ways. It is not a guilt trip it is wise shopping! I agree if you have no choice fine but many do and they are

No, that is the mentality, more clothes the better! And frankly most consumers try to by knock offs to keep up with the Jones instead of living within their means...

Ah I got ya! But wouldn't this planing be just like "First Contact"? The UN and several countries have contingencies for this I would think A.I. might be as similar. Perhaps even as Alien as an alien lol.

A.I. is 100% under human control...Let me put it this way. A.I. may develop randomly and spontaneously out on the innerwebs but more than likely it will be in a lab, perhaps even a hobbyists work bench. Guidelines and protocols for such event might be prudent...