
So basically ignore it? Or perhaps at least start some ideas and communication between nations and scientists working with A.I.

You obviously have internet access don't you? You have no shipping in your area too? Wait for no shipping I see a lot of that right now...WHAT WAIT...OMG...lol

Now playing

We have several re-purposed stores here. So yeah and don't be a rube there are also fabrics made right here in the U.S. of A! Support the Cotton industry! Darn your socks, patch your clothes! My goodness imagine having one pair of pants a few shirts and a pair of shoes. I just recently got mine resoled! lol Stop buy

I would beg to differ with you Climate change is not always human related, Tsunami's and Asteroids certainly are not. And what I meant by those examples is A.I. should be treated with a threat assessment. If there is a threat how best to mitigate or avoid it.

Make your own clothes? Or start a clothing co-op

Why should this be taken any less legitimately than say Nuclear war, an impact from an asteroid, an epidemic, climate change, population explosions, global starvation, a tsunami, etc all of which should have a committee or think tank (some of which do) dedicated to ensuring the future of the human race by mitigating

collectors can be compulsive I am pretty nutty about LEGO :)

sounds cushy...cept for jackasses but they are everywhere!

Oddly, I wouldn't have guessed the Saudis', I always thought it would be a communist state that applied this tech that or capitalist country tracking criminals. Both have money to be made from tracking their people...

Cool so I have to check off Moon, and Adaptation for this list! Although I am hesitant about Teknolust...

is it hard to sell antiques online? I have always been one (unless it is tech or toys) that I gotta see to buy it.

Frog in a boiling pot, not to hot or the froggy jumps for it...

I can think of worse things to be...good luck at it though! :)

...um no offense but did you just describe all of football fandom?

Now you got it!

How do you know you wont be?

Yeah chains and restraints would be too obvious and really alert human rights groups...Right?

Indeed! A bright and glorious career awaits you in either the food service industry or in customer support! Don't set your sights too high however as there is only room at the top for a select and elite few... (cynical I know lol)

Why are we not pouring resources, time and money into this? FINALLY creating a brilliant future for mankind and follow our destiny to the stars!
