
Disney is a corporate machine like any other in the entertainment biz...The modern day Bread and Circuses. :)

I actually understand most people are exactly that, PEOPLE, they do not want follow ever freak'in law men come up with, but do so out of fear, necessity, or worse apathy!

I sure hope Mars is not the escape plan unless there is a lot more air to breathe...

Somehow DISNEY bringing about the end of the world as we know it makes sense...

Seriously? Why not just RFID chip all the women and be done with it?

Evil Lili should have been first...

LEGO Mindstorm NXT 2.0 is a fun (bit more expensive $270) but for more advanced code writing and versatile robotics! And fantastic for pre-teens, teens and adults who want to build a Robot without spending the HUGE bucks ($12,000...uh yeah I said 12k!) for say a DARWIN...

I have been trying this one with a red laser (as I have a few around) and it is just not getting the results. I am trying to track down an inexpensive green laser now...

Well at least they didn't add green coloring we could end up with this!

I wonder if they will call the mutation the Krippin-virus..

Apocalyptic media is the propaganda of the nation of Oceania! Most people either want to ignore or deny this. But it pretty evident and you would have to be blind to not see the similarities to it and the ministry of truth. The promotion of war is peace rhetoric has been a staple just as long...

ok i have no idea where this is going so it's been fun :)

well that was fast you live on io9?

English is not your native language what is?

What if...and this is really WILD AND CRAZY they make an all Japanese cast and just see if people will go see a Japanese movie with Japanese actors?

Why are you pissed off? No offense meant, just simple realities of the innerwebs. :)

I was a Zombie once long long ago...but for all I know you could be a zombiedude lol

Bacopa Monnieri should come from bacon to make bacon even more SUPER!

Why do I feel like there is a puppet agenda being crammed down our throats?

The original did it pretty well they would be using gorilla terrorist tactics against a superior invasion force...Korea is not a superior invasion force.