
huh? Ya just lost me...

Reality sometimes sucks!

Wow! Touch football almost ironic. I still have tingles in my scar and can't lay flat on my back on hard surface without my shoulder blade diggin in weird stuff them bones. Wait we are like comparing scars huh? LOL

So weird I had a similar dream that I was able to see my code! Except it was F%$#ing Java...and I don't know F%#$ing Java nor would I!

I have heard stories...

Yeah that has got to be the weirdest break and a bugger to heal! Yours went a lot worse than mine I have to say... it's made me a little less of risk taker though :(

Ok so why? Pretty sure most adult men don't play with Barbies (yeah there is that guy in Pennsylvania...) or even find all that plastic fantastic!

Somebody should fire her so we can find out!

If I were your Dad I would be all TURKEY!!! Make some really stupid Gobble noises (can't win them all)

I am to old to be hip...maybe in a decade I need a hip replacement but I doubt it will make me cool again...

90% Green screen? Yep...you can tell.

That just makes me sad...

Yes, but due to the long term effects I often remember it less...

Wait...more Shawarma???

Prove to me that T-Rex didn't have glowing red eyes!!! I thought so...

Several years ago I shattered my collar bone in a bike accident. I had surgery to pin several parts of the bone back together. When it came time to have some the pins removed the doctor pulls out a pair of pliers, gives me a local and commences digging them out. One pin in particular was far enough in he couldn't

Um if we find out that this, world, and more so the Universe is a computer simulation could it make both arguments a moot point? hehe

Is anyone actually going to see this movie? Other then critics, friends and family of the cast and crew of course!

If it's not Scottish then it's Crrrrap!

WMD's on MARS explains a lot and I mean a whole lot!