
Is this similar to the same illusion I feel and see after being on a treadmill for 1/2 an hour? Feels like I am walking twice as fast or something...

If I ever get around to it I will check it out! Thanks!

Let's hope it is not these guys...

Yeah cause how is that Earthshaking?

Most facial hair is by it's very nature Evil...

Is that the A. C. H. Smith novelization? I have never read it...perhaps I will! I just showed my child this movie not too long ago. The mothers response was well it's better than labyrinth... LOL

The Dark Crystal is one of my all time favorite movies, because it takes place on such a distant but familiar world filled with strange creatures but similar themes that take place on our own.

I seemed to remember my old Pal Uncle Bingo with a similar plot...

Not to correct you but Mars has lost it's global field but contains several umbrella areas reducing solar wind and radiation away as discovered by the Mars Global Surveyor. Gale Crater is one of these "pockets" where we need further information from the ground, so I am excited to see the results!

Yes well lucky for you two...in my city if you look up Doctor Who...you will pull up mostly disturbing malpractice suits!

Annalee is correct Steve White is a fabulous artist! But not just his art it is a collection I highly recommend it! http://www.amazon.com/dp/0857685848 and it is a great book my Dino-crazed kid got it for a birthday this year!

Interesting way to push Chrome...

I wonder could this be used like the Matrix Bullet time? If they could figure out how to turn it off or on...

When you can print an exact replica of yourself in 3D why wouldn't high end action figures follow?


Pennywise does not approve...

PREDICTION!: Robocop remake does as well as most remakes including the much hyped TOTAL RECALL...in other words it will be a bomb! Oh except it will be more violent! LOL

666 the last Resort?

Leloo Dallas meet Leloo Dogas...

Wouldn't genetic manipulation be a form of Eugenics? In 82 years perhaps he is right look at what they NAZI's did only 60 years ago. A lot can change in a few generations.