
At what point did I ask to prove a negative? I asked to prove why it was questionable and that the story provided no answers or sources as to why it is questionable only that animals do it. There was no proof of it's nutritional or medicinal value so there was no evidence to the contrary. I can provide you with

So how was this debunked? It was not even proven if it has no added benefit then eating other pieces of meat. It was suggested that further study needed to be done as to the so called benefits and yet this was placed in the Debunked category as if it were already factually proven to have no added benefit...

Taste the Rainbow?

You did not mention if this was practiced by the primates or great Apes (apparently it is) which could be analogous to humans performing the same. And although questionable you provided no evidence that it is not beneficial beyond psychological. So other then the EWWW factor this proved little to the contrary.

Um are you just being snarky? There have been some damn cool guests including a multitude of scientists and experts in their fields lighting stuff on fire or explaining the universe a extra interview with William Gibson...and my favorite Felicia Day!

WAIT....WHAT WHY??? WHY???????????????????????? Last Episode?

He is hiding his tiny Iron man...

Sure Hip Missiles but No detachable/retractable cod piece! FAIL!

Tornadoes can't wipe out a downtown, because of heat islands...Yeah I believed that for a long time...

Now playing

We were just discussing with our child about how intellectually poor the media was other than perhaps PBS at child education. How some of the things we learned were from silly little cartoons like school house rock

...really same area? How the hell did I miss that? I did see a bunch of Firework outlets! LOL

I reckon I could, I do!

HAHA! I read that as Physical Education but both are crap...

There is a huge rail yard close to that area. It is probably a Deep Ungrounded Military Base (DUMB). And they just ship hybrids from there...

Oddly reminds me of the god Kali at the end

It makes me wonder what a person with Asperger's Syndrome would comment or express.

Pretty sure we can blame Quozl for creating at least some furry curiosity...

Yeah and I hear things too...

Is it just me or did someone take a bite of Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory plus a chunk of Alice in Wonderland, a nibble of the books of Oz, oh and a big bite of Spiderman then Chew up the Scenery with James Franco and finallythrow this up?

Of course it is after I stop watching...