
I just finished Star Trek Voyagers 7 year run...why not do the same with B5?

How many will be "Dark and Edgy" LOL

What Chow Yun-fat was busy?


I knew it! I knew they would be doing Trailers of Trailers and premieres of Trailers soon! Just keeps getting better!


No argument with me

Good point...

We are currently living in the Animal farm if you haven't noticed, the pigs are already standing...

I have always found it ridiculous how nudity is treated vs. Violence, and Horror...

I heard voodoo...

HOLY CRAP! CAN YOU SEE MY HOUSE FROM THERE?... wait a tick...You had me going until I read that compatible with computers slight, pffft what utter nonsense! This whole "Alien Abduction" thing is even less believable now, er...unless you are an alien...

You just made me miss Iona (not her real name but why not...) when io9 was a bunch of star bellied sneetches and the reporting was well, different...


Funny I always thought the reason V for Vendetta and Watchmen couldn't be filmed was cause Alan (aka the Rasputin Shamanic Mage of Comics) Moore had cursed them and put a I FORBID YOU Hex upon them!

Why not shrink down the process and put it in a car? OH wait!..

Esther? How can you be writing this article if you were abducted? It was a sham! I KNEW IT!

I am pretty sure not much has changed with some Doctors...

I seriously would try that excuse if I though I could get away with it!

Annalee "Hate: is such a strong word! I am betting any Abductee would agree and only use strongly dislike!