
I love how they ended up as larger water drops toward the end and then *pop*

Were you not allowed to report on this outbreak until this (rather useless) confirmation was released?


That was about creating a legacy and may benefit science but is not supporting it.

Yes...well clingy she was not ;)

Like I said I bet where he would be named on the list...

It is funny that people automatically assume that I am pro Obama funny actually or Gore for that matter.

And why is that? I said I wanted to see a list of least pro science and bet where he would be on that list. Don't even talk to me about the Hypocrite Gore...

Thank you, I will actually read it and like I said I would bet where he would land on the list that was least pro...funny how that sets with people.

I never once said he didn't support science...not once I just said I want to see the ten least and I bet I knew where he would land...

Great point!

I have often wondered if UFO's can sense photographing intent

I know a fox who is a hazard ;)

I know a fox who is a hazard ;)

space...exploration is not the only science!!! And where the hell is my Moon base?

I have been called worse! Uh? LOL I am not an Obama supporter do not assume I am...At least I don't bury my trust in one party! And NASA is not the ENTIRE science community! *cough* stem cell research... and no child left behind had many states cutting budgets from the most expensive programs...YEP SCIENCE PROGRAMS!

It is always good to see presidents that are pro science how about a list of the 10 least pro-science. Bet I know where this guy would place...

My Grandmother has this, brown and blue!

Ever hear that old saying it is not about destination but the journey?

I do this too without the claws, super immunity or adamantium skeleton...