But as Brian Switek of Wired has noted, the whole incident is a good example of how the media and some scientists are quick to get ahead of themselves before the required scientific due diligence has been completed:
But as Brian Switek of Wired has noted, the whole incident is a good example of how the media and some scientists are quick to get ahead of themselves before the required scientific due diligence has been completed:
London Bridges fallin down...
I thought Evil Dead II was actually a reboot of Evil Dead and Army of Darkness was Evil Dead II the actual sequel?
Then not to nitpick but instead of saying you don't read a certain genre perhaps saying you rarely read or occasionally read it would be better? To me it was a snarky way of saying I couldn't have copied or been influenced because I don't read it...
no but she did say she does not read Fantasy which is bollocks! ;)
Astronomy, will tear us apart again...
A tale of intrigue and sex filled with the supernatural! A modern day love story told from the eyes of someone ancient with vampirc powers but who when exposed to light....shimmers!
This was 2 or 3 years ago...and his joke that he was patiently waiting on it too made me think he was just too busy or whatever.
Have you seen a lot of men recently? MOOBs should be covered! If they didn't sexualize your anatomy they could not make you feel inferior about how you look and keep you guilt shopping...
Yes but that pain in the ass comes from sitting too long...
Well that should get him re-elected as typically all these clowns do...
Did this study also include that if Boys played with Barbies and Girls climbed trees they would end up being homosexuals? Seriously time to rethink some psychology, into less stereotypical beliefs.
Garfunkel and Oates are pure genius!
Yes...I keep telling myself that too...there, there, shhhhh you will only go mad trying to unsee what you have seen...
The Dark Knight Returns (alt-universe almost) was very different then main stream canon Batman and the sequel did not quite live up.