I jumped out of a plane at 12,500 feet at the time I thought that was pretty damn high! 128,000 feet boggles my mind!
We seriously just hit the pinnacle of human (and feline) achievement...time for the dark ages 2.0...
Don't get me wrong this is AWESOME, and INCREDIBLE, but it is still not a Space Jump it is an extreme high altitude jump.
Vampires were the best until they got all sparkly! Learned way too much from some Anne Rice books in high school! Although one of my less guilty pleasures the io9 show was missed during the start of my weekend...
LOL! Troll much?
INCREDIBLE! But...Still not jumping from "Space"...!
Of course and I am happy I could do so. I laughed aloud too but I also felt a little sorry they look so guilty LOL
It is things like this that makes me think progress is just going in circles and we are not as overly advanced as we believe we are. Sad really...
Wonder how many Red bulls this is selling LOL Show of hands how many are jacked up on RB now!
Having one of these little emotional bandits I assure they exhibit guilt...Funniest video I have ever seen is one getting shamed (although I felt bad for them too!)
Ok that is weird...
Well I'll be...
Good point!
I just want to know why he couldn't find a naked couple in a garden...
Tesla shoulda kicked him in the junk!