
She didn’t know why Bush was awful because Britain “was dealing with our own epic nightmare of a prime minister back then.” What? Blair was a nightmare because he enabled Bush to do his terrible things and got Britain involved in those terrible things. It is literally impossible to know Blair was an epic nightmare

You could make a pretty ironclad argument for the entirety of the Browns roster being crisis actors.

Maybe he should have disguised it as a United States Treasury bond.

I’m usually smart enough to ignore someone who’s most likely trolling here, but since you’re already out of the greys, I’d like the chance to explain something: if the pansexual label seems “stupid” to you, then it’s not for you. Move on. It’s not that hard to do.

I’m sure the million ethnic Muslim Ugyhurs residing in the Xinjiang re-education camps will be happy to hear about the NBA’s commitment to Chinese fans as they assemble for their 5 a.m. re-education seminar. It will make their morning rice gruel taste so much sweeter.

So under the banner of beingpatriots” they feel entitled to overwhelm and displace the redskins from their native land, big surprise.

Khan is intelligent, but not experienced.

I’m offended by the implication that there are meaningful Jets games.

Hope Alabama has an evacuation plan!

Fox News Cinematic Universe

Think about this:

Fuck this shit.

Howdy officer. Beat any minorities today? Fuck the cops and anyone who cooperates with them. And the lily white peckerwoods who argue for snitching. You upvvote this shit you’re rat fink scum

Come on, we were just having a little fun,” said every privileged white male through the ages.

Gronk confidently telling a neuroscientist that CTE can be fixed is strong evidence that Gronk’s CTE has not, in fact, been fixed.

No it can’t, it is the other things you get that are diagnosed. Alzheimers and other dementia based diseases, depression and anxiety, things like that. Then once they are dead the brain is looked at and “oh yeah, CTE” is the answer.

Can CTE even be diagnosed on a living person? I remember it used to be diagnosed postmortem.

“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, unless he be an amateur.”

“My Emperor,

You are unclothed. Bare as the day you were born. As your naked resplendence is too much for the mortal eye to bear, so mine eyes must turn from your glory, and toward mundanity. I shall walk forever in the shadow of your toadstool, ne’er again to turn my head toward the fires of your Scrotal Sodom, lest

This is going to be hardest on Bristol, Track, Twig, Smock, Groot, Krunk, Willow, Slider, Stub, Twiddle, Piper, Fluff, Carat, Keg, Snuggle, Bop, Rice and Spoit.