
I think it’s “Jimmy Fund” a charity huge with the Sox.

Schrodinger’s brain damage?

Terry Reardon: “Use the English language properly” 

this is what the ideal Florida Man male body looks like; you may not like it, but it is.

Jaguar Junction looks A LOT different this week.

wow this guy will do anything for free crabs

i was recently thinking, “I wish there were more strength sports coverage on here,” but this isn’t what i had in mind. However, I’m glad the campaign to ostracize the white power element in PL is getting some exposure. We really need to ditch all of these clowns and move on.

If it weren’t for the white man, black people wouldn’t be where they are today and that is an undeniable fact.

From: Stacey Hoppes

we can all agree kipping is the only real sin here

this is EXACTLY what i thought while watching it. he’s not out of words he’s out of breath.

yeah that’s amazing! a lot of grown people can’t even do that.

this is super impressive, and I know the draw is that he’s really famous.

they might be next to each other on a keyboard but you type them with different hands.. seems like a difficult error to make unintentionally.

At the very least, they should be viewed as upper level employees who get percs and benefits.

Go home, ESPN app, you’re drunk.

hahahaha i did that too for a few games. you had to work all game and got paid less.

if you’re from Mass you may also be familiar with Harrisons Roast Beef. Ray tried to open a replica on the Bowery.

he was pretty much out of the business by the time i came on board. Another guy was running it, who wasn’t a dirtball, but overall ran in the same circle of people. By this point we all had peddler’s permits and played by most of the rules. [you can’t sell til the 7th, have to be a block away from the park, no day

we had some pretty cringe-worth shirts along with the classics, no doubt.