
Parked or dragged/pushed prior to the video starting, because we see some serious damage already done when the video starts.

I think you need to read more detailed news articles on this because you’re making assumptions that have been addressed ad nauseum for the past 24 hours.

Easier to figure out which car to look for at what time when you know what model to look for on video.

Pretty good chance your average person isn’t going to bother to replace this right away.

Im doing ad free while I binge X-Files and I might stick to it because like you said, the ad system they have is not fun.

For a bitter old dude, that’s the best take on the dealership issue I’ve ever read.

Personally, I wouldn’t press charges because then I have to take time out of my day(s) to deal with it. Because you *know* people arrogant enough to do this would fight the charges and go to court.

#10a. Find all the Dragon Balls and wish stupid people away.

That was an alternate future. If you remember, the Enterprise D was still in aftive service rather than half of it reduced to molecules and the other half salvaged for scrap.

Doesn't matter what you do with Facebook right now. Their ads are nuts. I just got one for Confederate flags and when I clicked "why am I seeing this ad" it said it was targeted for people who speak English.

I don't really like Mountain Dew, but these are pretty good. I've had the red one, did not like the flavor, and the green one. The lids are simple and come in handy if you don't want to down a whole can. Took me a few days to drink the red one and it stayed fresh since it was resealable.

Where are you that you get charged a bag fee despite not getting a bag because that sounds illegal.

Yeah, but I remember Red Bull had product on the shelves and even a fleet of those sweet Red Bull cars all over the place.

I’m one of the ones who can’t remember seeing anything about a gaming studio from Amazon.

I had that problem for the longest time AND I recently couldn’t comment, let alone like comments, for months until I finally hit up the site support. They had me clear cookies so I just cleared everything out and this site runs smoother on my phone than it has in years.

It could be multiple lanes turning right, but still, she shouldn’t be drifting into the inner right lane if she’s turning.

I had to stop using it a lifetime ago because an update caused iTunes to be unusable on my PC. But it got me to give Winamp a try!

I'm literally watching that episode right now.

What would be the purpose of that? And why would that be legal?

Seriously. Sell a few Pop hats, maybe some other decorative trinkets. I think Jesus would be ok with it.