Probably for the same reason why we still have meetings in business, military, politics, etc: face-to-face allows for additional, immediate insights and context. Plus, we're social creatures.
Probably for the same reason why we still have meetings in business, military, politics, etc: face-to-face allows for additional, immediate insights and context. Plus, we're social creatures.
Jim Carrey is Canadian, so...
God I hate how "anti-Semitic trope" has become such an over used phrase. I doubt most people who use it know what trope means.
So you had to live barebones simply to buy a low $20k car, but you don’t think that’s indicative of a greater problem in this country?
Couldn't possibly be an issue with wages remaining stagnant while the cost of everything we need in life continues to increase and the willingness of lenders to give everyone a loan. No, it’s people bad at math that’s the problem.
If that cop wasnt there, I’ll bet good money that Camry wouldn’t have paused. Most people pause when lined up with a cop car to let the cop get ahead.
$100 says he was doing what I do when stopped next to a cop: let the cop out accelerate him. I'm not in a hurry to have a cop driving behind me. Screw that noise.
Its corruption, plain and simple. They might be pretending to offer socialism, but that's only to try and keep the masses distracted while the men at the top stuff their pockets.
One of the retail stores I’ve worked at has an alley behind the strip mall it’s in for delivery trucks and people tear through it like it’s the freeway. I completely forgot people like doing that and almost got hit the other day taking trash out while I was there helping out.
Theres an on-ramp right before my exit on the 101 here in Ventura county that people already on the 101 are always using as if it’s a 4th lane that opened up. Saves them 15 seconds, but just adds that much more time to the rest of us. I think it’s a combination of stupidity stemming from not seeing the merge signs and…
Anyone who thinks Venezuela is an example of socialism is either stupid or trolling.
Or, you know, just be a decent human being and don't steal.
I like the story better in D2, but I played D1 waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more. I'm not entirely sure why other than there was more to discover while running around the planets?
They’re either tailgating or clogging up the fast lane. They can never just cruise with the flow of traffic.
The only time it takes me that long to power off a PC like that is when the system is frozen.
I think that's just physical media.
Ae you talking about jacking the single owners rate up? Because it would take a very, very long time to recuperate those losses.
Its all fun and games until some cooks to death in their Toyota trying to get a new truck.
Thats probably even worse tbh.
Good luck getting elected officials to committ career suicide by pissing off retirees with nothing better to do than vote.