
Even that couple are closer to typical expression of white male privilege, which is not that the authorities will back them up, but rather that they are the authority that others must submit to.”

It isn’t weird to POCs, who have had a codeword for “Miss Anne’s” for centuries.

In some cases, these same medical professionals are alleged to have billed Medicare for telehealth consultations “that did not occur as represented,” whatever that might mean.

Hutchinson told CNN that vaccine mandates would be an “imposition on freedom.”

Yeah, they’re trying to put the genie back in the bottle now, and finding out just how hard it is.

It’s astounding how badly the GOP has fucked this up.

Genuinely, if there was a fucking death plague, and everyone who wanted a vaccine could get it (regardless of age, race, income, country of origin, etc) and everyone who didn’t want a vaccine because of some dumbass political statement was free to opt out, sign me up for that timeline.  

Congrats on six months

Hey Jezzies! June 30th marked six full months of non-drinking for me. It’s been much less of a struggle as time goes on, but then a series of unfortunate events will happen that humble me and show me how much of a journey this still is. Take today, for example. I decided to take a solo hike to get some fresh air and

I grew up in just such a house. Now I’m a chef.

So to review:

If being a trollish shitbag rewards people, how come I never get any fucking stars? 

A strange game. The only winning move is not to play...

The photo doesn’t do it justice. When you add the sour cream topping and cut a slice, it looks like icing. People have been known to beat a few tablespoons of orange marmalade into such a creation, just sayin’.

Dude she straight up looks like a tranny, I'm not even exaggerating.

This is the exact recipe I use, and it is phenomenal. 

i imagine that you never get a cracked top with this obviously CHEATING recipe.

I just make a guava cream cheese pound cake and serve it with vanilla ice cream. Best of both worlds. (I’ve never had homemade ice cream that was all that...but then again, I’m not an ice cream person. So take that as you will.)

Ice cream makers are like pasta machines. Making your own is great! but if you live in a city you can almost certainly find stuff that is just as fresh and good without all the work and cleanup, and it doesn’t even cost a whole lot more than doing it yourself. It has to be something you really want to do.

This was one of many things—like eating crawfish, saying “y’all,” and wearing camouflage to church—that I just assumed everyone in the world did.