
People like Peter Kirsanow, Bill Cosby, Ben Carson, Candace Owens, Darrell Scott and all the other self-hating Blacks in America have always been around.

The female leads of the Amos and Andy reboot.

Now playing

Is this an example of cooning or Shuckin’ and jivin, asking for a friend ?

Yep, those types exist in every group. The LGBT community has GOProud and The Log Cabin Republicans — started with the claim their goal was to sell LGBT equality to the GOP. The reality is that they spend most of their time trying to sell the GOP to the LGBT community.
I’ve met several gay republicans. They all seem

What DOES have is a long list lost lawsuits and bankruptcies and Russian loans.

Why would early humans need to boil water?

I honestly don’t know which bothers me more with these two: The coonery, or the baby muskrats they have sitting on top of all that new growth. Either way, I can't stand them. I know cooning is lucrative, but like, damn. Smh

Cooning has always been profitable and these two grifters are no exception. Like Ben and the others in Trump’s orbit, they serve as negro shields for Trump and his trolling MAGA base to invoke whenever they need to defect facts that point out how racist they are.

I guess I just always assumed they didn’t boil water and just cooked food on or near a flame. No soups until ceramics!

I always suspected TP did all the writing himself. The dialogue on some of his shows are/were repetitive and awkward. This video he put out was odd. If his point was to some how suggest others do not have a work ethic, he failed miserably and only made himself more of a target. I too had read about his refusal to work

No wonder all of his dramatic shows/movies play out as poorly seasoned soap operas.

Amen to everything you said. And I’ll add: how about the Black woman who did not grow up in the projects but working-to-middle class, went to college, works professionally but isn’t a bitch-on-wheels, dates men who are similarly situated - including men of other races, travels, has everyday troubles like finding

THIS. RIGHT. HERE. Is the point that Tyler’s most hardcore defenders never care to recognize. I think that for the majority of us “critics” of his work, it’s not that we don’t appreciate his grind, or his “rags-to-riches” story, or the fact that his work has built careers and lasting corporate capital, it’s that Tyler

As someone who watches all his shows for the trainwreck appeal, he never disappoints ... in putting out shitty TV. The scenes are repetitive within themselves. The dialogue is barely functional. He has no sense of pacing, or character, and often forgets his own characters’ history. But he will never hire union help. 

Well aren’t you the clever one! You’ve completely blindsided me with your wit, I never anticipated that some really smart guy would come at me with exactly this kind of comment.

If my partner brews it, and the whole kitchen smells rich and wonderful, then I sometimes want a bit of cream and Splenda, never sugar. Otherwise, just hot, wet, black and plentiful.  The aroma makes all the difference.

Before producing water at 102F as suggested, it would have to empty the line of the cooler water between the faucet and the heater. “As seen on TV” it looks like its ability to measure amounts would be the most useful feature.  Perhaps it won’t turn off like those sensors in the men’s room that wait until your hands

Just roll it into the price. Why does it have to be a surprise fee?

“Right tool for the job” is a fine maxim, but to dismiss concerns over current Kitchen Aid build quality as somehow being “code” undercuts your own assertions.

Hot take: as a business owner, if you arent complaining about the skyrocketing rent, but are closing because you will have to pay your employees a fair wage finally, you arent a great business owner to begin with. If 40K more a year is causing you to close, how successful was your business to begin with. Thats a