
Kia took over the “we finance anyone with a pulse” market from Mitsubishi and this results in maximum sleaze. Our local Hyundai/Kia store is,always advertising easy credit on the radio and financing negative equity. This is the core of my “nice car, shame about the dealer” assessment. The recent trend of engine

Well Kia was a budget car maker for a LONG time selling little shit boxes before they started actually making nice cars so they are still used to the early Kia customer experience.

oh they are ready to “handle” people paying cash but they just refuse to. Inventory was low enough that if they waited their sucker would come.

I’m reaching way back here, but I actually remember a post in the same vein specifically about Kia dealers not knowing how to sell the Stinger because it was... good. If I’m not mistaken, there was a story about the dealer refusing cash in favor of bad financing.

Not hard to figure out why Kia and Hyundai are in the last two spots.

The aura for me starts off as a growing blindspot in my central vision. I’ll notice it when words begin to disappear off the screen. The brain tries to fill in the holes with the surrounding background. The holes grow larger and eventually become kind of sparkly that takes over most of the central vision, leaving only

Yeah we see this all the time with these white collar rich criminals. They are so concerned for their well being but the common poor man it is like fuck them and destroy their entire lives. It is disgusting to see this shit happen over and over.

I started out questioning this comment,... but yeah. You’re totally right.

Fuck this. Once they start sending normal people to these places instead of celebrities and richies then I would think it is ok. Even though I think our justice system is a joke and is basically designed to crush people into subhuman beasts I am tired of entitled assholes getting the white glove treatment.

Despite the severity, here in Tochigi prefecture, it missed us entirely! It was supposed to arrive by Tuesday morning, but we just got a bit of rain. 

While it can be heartbreaking to lose a home, rebuilding in these areas is an example of insanity. Doing the same thing, over and over, and hoping for a better result.

and it’s not clear whether they’ll ever see their money again”

Oh, I think it’s quite clear.

My first and most recent trip to a Checkers I came away really surprised. The burger was actually really good. Everything was hot and delicious. I loved the fries, but amazingly enough, the most impressive thing about the meal was the bun on the burger. I’ve never had a fast food bun that was so soft and yet

Don’t forget, he’s an avid gamer, too.

Someone let me out once, but I promise I’ll try to be a good ex-gray.

They’re focused on drag queens right now.  Not even kidding.

Lol, this is a pretty unhinged comment.

You forgot about the Jewish space lasers. You ALMOST had bingo!

I’m sure DeSantis is just making threats for attention. He’s an asshole but even he’s not stupid enough not to realize that Disney has more economic, social, and political clout (through lobbying and donations) in Florida than either party has on its own.

Hush now, the grownups are talking.