
Because I am bone lazy, I peel off some lemon skin and put it in a food processor with sugar and give it a ride. A little lemon peel twirled like that can lemon-ize quite a lot of sugar.

The color of the hands doesn’t match the color of the face.  Is that a birth defect?

Look up scintillating scotomas and see if that’s what you experienced.  Sometimes it’s good for a sensation to have a name.

Not so bizarre - I have a jar of peanut butter that has honey mixed into just the way that God and the Angels planned. No need for more sugar, but it’s hard to imagine cookies without some vanilla or almond extract. Sometimes I put in a little toasted sesame oil for added flavor.

DeSantis is in the headlines? This must be a day ending in “y”.  Even bad publicity is very good publicity.  Now his name is familiar to people in Oregon and Washington, etc.

Governor Who is in the headlines again.  Another successful day.  The fact that he looks like a fool is irrelevant.  He’s in the headlines nationally.

Portland, OREGON hit 116 F this summer... just sayin’ ...

I don’t care too much what they spent all that money on (Las Vegas, diamonds, cars, etc., but it’s infuriating that people needing help were deprived of that care. All the money and resources that could have gone to patient care could have made a major difference in the lives of ill people. I’m pretty old, but I

$100 is too high. It would chase away a huge number of retired people who are (genuinely) living from check to check. They could have offered it for about $20 for people who wanted to get it ahed of the great masses, and that might have been bit of an incentive. “People who pay $20 on Mondays get their vaccine before

Not perfect from every angle, but where it’s good, it’s great. 

Then at his next job,...”   does he look employable to you? He screwed his future and it serves him right.

The good citizens of Philadelphia should have grabbed a few of them, wiped their faces clean, and taken a few pictures.

I guess I can’t get those three wasted minutes back, huh?

I remember in the early days of AIDS that guys who were very ill would try to stay on in cities and only when they felt the end was near, would they go back home to wherever, USA to die amid their confused families.

If it becomes a commercial exercise, would it reduce their ability to control access? Suddenly it could become actual interstate commerce and subject to those rules. Would that mean I could flood the place with my fascist ideas as long as I pay the freight, and no editing allowed?

Not at all surprising. The environment in an Apple store was so noisy that people had to holler raise their voices to be heard above the other conversations. That is almost as effective a method of virus transfer as a nice, hearty cough. Dozens of people straining to be heard makes communication almost

Maybe flavored liqueurs?  Peach schnapps, etc.

Can I do that with powdered coca, butter, some sweetener and a touch of milk?

That’s beautiful.  I can never get the graham cracker crust even like that, so I switched to using crushed pecans and butter.  Works pretty well.

My Lithuanian grandparents taught us this. We could bet a penny, a nickel or even a dime. My grandfather used to gently tap the egg against his front teeth to see which was the hardest.  It was a very big deal, and all my cousins participated.