
Her initial comments did sound like she was saying people were being sexist by pointing out the movie is sexist, but the real headline is that I’m so shocked everybody is blaming the woman who didn’t write or edit the film instead of the Clint Eastwood who did.

100 million birds every year? Sounds like a... Swallowcaust.

Mr Jackson, Thank you for a great article. Speaking as someone who has driven across America AND ridden a motorcycle across America more than a few times, America is truly a majestic place, but vast- really big.  But it’s worth it.

Because misery loves company? Your kids annoy you so much that even you can’t bear traveling with them, so you want to inflict them on a plane full of people?

WHAAAAT?! This is new information and I’m not sure how I fell about it...

John Oliver is married to a Republican too. They met at the 2008 RNC convention when he was a Daily Show correspondent.

Yep. I think early on they realized two things: She was likely gonna be blackballed after this and they could use this as an opportunity to make him a household name. They have four kids - somebody has to remain employable after all this. This is all an act. I don’t think either one of them actually believes in

I don't use apple, but there's probably an auto-pair option somewhere

Strange to consider, all the advancement and Smart phone programs really dont lik e linking to the Older cellphones..

Yeah, but these scam artists have your email address.  Still a scam, and a friend of ours got sucked into deeper and deeper rings of internet hell, and now he’s wondering why such lovely people think he’s charming, handsome and they’ll come to see him if he just sends them plane fare.

...can get you ten to twenty. 

Use juniper berries or (preferably) gin. Cuts the gaminess considerably. I pour a couple of shots of gin over the leg and let it sit for a little while before it goes into the over. Rosemary is ok, but less effective.

Ugh. Super gross and very well said.

Comment of the fuckin’ year.

I know its silly, but i still regard Obama as our real president, that racist thug thing occupying the WH is there only by fraud.

How long do you have to vape before you are cured of your nicotine addiction/habit? Isn’t this simply changing the delivery method?  Does adding flavors increase the speed at which the withdrawal diminishes?

I know facebook has high numbers of people who have since died, since I got computerized “friend” requests from them years after they were buried. I assume that Twitter is the same. Truth in advertising to advertisers should require that the estimate of viewers for a particular ad only include live, active users.

Early in y food industry career, I worked for a meat processor in R&D. Every March we would get 150 lamb carcasses in for Quality grading and to determine which growers produced the best lamb. We used one leg off each carcass for testing and the rest we butchered and gave it away to our co workers Rarely did we have

Interesting backstory on the GI’s in WWII.

Wouldn’t it be more productive to tell white men that they are naturally ill-equipped to KNOW what the problems that plague Black society are? And to suggest that there needs to be someone who has a closer experience to the specific problems address them (i.e. women, minorities, etc), instead of them trying to figure