
We need TSA pictures of all these people getting on the plane.

They had family friends over for dinner.  Not a good decision.

The antibodies protect you during the peak of the pandemic and the T-cells take over after that?  I have never grasped what T-cells do, but if you don’t have enough, you’re in big trouble.

He suggested this in North Carolina because they are ripe for fraud based on their performance in the last gubernatorial election - votes were “collected” and there was massive fraud. I believe they had a partial do-over.

Go to your local board of elections and ask them for help.

There’s one that takes over the screen and you can either click to remove or back out of the record. I stop reading any of the sites when this shows up.  I’m ok with ads all over the margins, but when one of the ads seizes the screen, I’m done with the site.

All we are saying is Give Disease a Chance

How is it different from gamma globulin?  Is that a fair question?

If they could prevent him from adding just a few words after making his statement. He always screws up with the clarification which never clarifies: “unlike the Black community”.

Val Demings can take somebody apart in a debate as well as anyone else. A former police chief (well, somebody had to do it), she has been a delight to watch in the impeachment hearings.

This is a very troubled child and I’m sure she needs counseling/guidance. I think the mother needs help in learning how to deal with this (almost a woman) troubled girl.  I’m reasonably sure they provoke each other.

He Herman-ed his way into an infection and quite possibly infected plenty of other people because he didn’t recognize any symptoms. Hermaning goes on despite daily information explaining how dangerous it is.  He could have Herman-ed the Army National Guard.  They already have enough problems.

I like zucchini /sweet potato latkes.  You have to salt the shredded zucchini and then rinse it and either spin it or wring it to get rid of the water. Drop it in a food processor with a sweet potato 2 eggs, some flour and a small onion.  You can either fry the potato pancakes or bake them on parchment paper.  Serve

They don’t even feel the need to be tidy about it. They could have issued those options a few weeks earlier (it’s an electronic transaction) and when they got that (probably forgivable) loan, it would have looked a little more like hard work produces a reward. Now, it just looks sleazy, and even if something is

Hereafter, people who insist on not wearing masks in a pandemic will be known as Hermans. To go about one’s business unprotected will be known as Hermaning.

Hereafter, people who insist on not wearing masks in a pandemic will be known as Hermans. To go about one’s business unprotected will be known as Hermaning.

Hereafter, people who insist on not wearing masks in a pandemic will be known as Hermans.

Hereafter, people who insist on wearing masks in a pandemic will be known as Hermans. To go about one’s business unprotected will be known as Hermaning.

That is all.

Most people bike along at about 6-7 mph.  It would take longer by bike.  Perhaps you meant that the timing might be similar because traffic sometimes involves periods of not moving at all.

Many people will simply be unable to vote for Kanye because he missed the deadline to be on the ballot in so many states.  He will not be a Nader or Perot; he’ll be a minor statistic among the other write-ins in a few states.  People will not waste their precious votes on a bi-polar, rambling man who is having