
He remains a convicted felon. In many jurisdictions that could prevent him from voting. A lady in Texas got 5 years for voter fraud for voting while ineligible.

When I was in the hospital with pneumonia everyone who came into the room used what we think of as a surgical mask. It was to protect the staff and prevent them from carrying particles to another patient. Those masks were definitely not N-95.

People on vacation or holiday are up close and personal to strangers, as well. They meet people in restaurants, at the beach, shopping, churches, shows, etc. This isn’t major contributor, but if someone is carrying the virus, and that person is very social, there may be many contacts during a day. I see it down in

It’s unlikely that Parscale had any belief in Trump other than that’s where the big pot of money is. Given Trump’s vast experience in management (bankruptcies, frauds) and the fact that there are millions and millions of dollars around, Trump is a natural target for a grifter like Parscale. I don’t admire him, but

Got a link?

A list of links could have been very useful here.

Let’s hear it for wax paper instead of a bunch of small bowls. Depending upon the recipe, you can have stuff prepped and ready to go and when you put the food in the pan, you have also cleared counter space. Wax paper. It’s way back in there somewhere.

As a member of the Imperial family is she immune from prosecution? 

When you buy ground beef, put it in a 1 gallon freezer bag and flatten it as much as possible. It will thaw out much more quickly. For Claire’s recipe here, the flat pack beef works better.  Sometimes I put the whole pound into my frying pan and break it up as I brown it.  80/20 will definitely have enough fat,

When you’re working at the employer of last resort, you don’t have a lot to lose, I suppose.  This may interfere with their chances at Unemployment Insurance, no matter how white they are.  Won’t that be a surprise, and who will they blame?

200 signed up. Many places are already treating this as airborne without making much of a fuss about it. Hospitals have upgraded their ventilation systems and many people providing patient care are wearing face masks and even hoods. 

Free masks for the win.  Much more likely to be worn - even the kids will want daddy to wear his mask.  Wearing a mask in Orlando in August while standing in line with whining kids is a special sort of masochism not heretofore seen. 

They’re gong to wonder why that isn’t enough...

How many people did good ol’ Herman infect? Pictures show him up close to a lot of people.  Now they can be spreaders, too.

You could carry that sign around, but not post it on someone else’s (the city or county) property. First amendment allows you to say what you want, but there are limitations on the way you post it, like not painting it on the side of someone’s house.

Perhaps Herbert Hoover?  He didn’t just bring us some little old recession, he got us a full Depression.  

Rafael Ted Cruz can’t fight because he has a bone in his hand.

It’s not a stroke. It’s some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Not all people with Parkinson’s shake, but you see Trump taking those baby steps on the ramp, using two hands with the water, unable to stand still at Arlington, that micrographic signature because his hand won’t move correctly.... That whole rocking back

Unfortunately the high school bullies and cheaters make the most noise and give hard-working officers a bad name. My late detective brother-in-law really enjoyed the power of getting away with the stupidest stuff! I worked in emergency rooms for years and we all knew who the decent guys were and the assholes just see