
I suppose we’ll be asked to do the decent thing and flush before we get up. 

It makes it easier to get to them when they invariably leak.

Right now, either the patient kills off the virus through antibodies, or the virus kills off the patient. Those are the only methods by which the pandemic stops. If each patient were a virus dead end (not being passed on to another victim) we wouldn’t hundreds of people dying every day. Right now, the only methods

Have no shame! I lived on egg salad-on-white with one leaf of iceberg lettuce for quite a while as a very indigent student. Every so often the very nice lady who assembled this bit of nothing would try to heap just a little more egg salad it.  I noticed and I was grateful.

It pleases them to do something like hold a rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth. It’s their quaint way of saying ‘we can do anything we want and your opinion doesn’t matter’.  

Coronavirus is spiking in Florida.  Why would anyone criticize the GOP going to Jacksonville under those conditions?

It’s completely an “In your face” moment.  It’s Steven Miller’s way saying, “We can do this and you are powerless”.   The streets should be line d with angry, silent people just glaring.

Well they can leave Ft. Hood alone.  Oh wait.  13 military killed by a terrorist there.  Maybe not so winning after all.

Texas might be “spiking” but it’s not even close to being a big deal state wide.”

Did you even try any of these ideas before you sat down to type? Ironing a wet garment takes about 5 times as long and you risk scorching when you try to dry it out with an iron. In the time it takes to fool around with binder clips, you can iron the sleeves. You didn’t mention always iron the sleeves first, but

Converting from “serve-yourself” to “you-can-have-as-much-as-you-want-but-we’ll-serve-you” would have been prohibitively labor-intensive. Some cruise ships operate that way- Celebrity and Holland America - and the benefit is that the great unwashed public doesn’t ever get their hands on the tongs.

Counties with no ICU beds:

Four percent is a nice, round number. When you’re talking about billions, the fines they’ve posted in the past are just front-pocket money. Obviously just having laws wasn’t enough, and people like Zuckerberg agreed to promise that they’d look into things. The French got tired of that.

Yes, there’s not much point in making a mistake unless somebody’s watching.

There’s a variation on that design that includes a corkscrew.  After fighting with the can, you may want a drink.

You didn’t scald the milk? Babka was the only recipe I knew that required it, but it did something to the milk proteins so they didn’t inhibit a high rise. It’s also where my mother melted 1/4 b of butter. The purpose of babka is to convey butter to one’s mouth, both within the bread and on top of it.

My mother made cookie dough in the green bowl. When I was very young, I knew good things were about to happen when I saw that bowl on the kitchen table. There were no kitchen counters except in the homes of the very prosperous. There was a sink with a drainboard and a table. Everything happened on the kitchen table.

The idea was that wooden salad bowls would become “seasoned” and washing would damage the wood. Wooden salad sets were suddenly everywhere in the late 40's. Wooden bowls were carefully rubbed with walnut oil, which of course, only the best households kept on hand. Did not realize the 1/4 head of lettuce went back to

It’s not the least surprising that this happened in Georgia, where massive data erasures are commonplace.  Apparently good, sensible IT policies go to Georgia to die.  The voter rolls were damaged or erased, the water company couldn’t process records, who knows what other miseries this poor Georgia workers have had to

Doesn’t that create a host of public policy issues? Once you know someone is an asymptomatic carrier, are you required to do something about it?  If someone has been a carrier presumably for a while, is there such a thing as “infected, but not infecting”?