Lee Adama's Moral Center

That book is a well-known piece of late 19th century Lost Cause writing, and the page that was displayed features the text of a very famous letter Robert E. Lee wrote to his wife, detailing his thoughts on slavery. It can be read, in context, here. There is no way it was opened to that specific page by accident.

Interesting stuff, thanks!

Given your experience, and your advice to staffers, would you say that turnover rates are a decent proxy for shitty working environments in Congress? I’m just curious, because in the case of both Klobucher in the Senate, and Jackson Lee in the House, it seems to match up well with the opinions of those “in the know”

Agreed, these kind of antiquated views should have been put out to Pasteur a long time ago.

As someone who watched far too many Hawks games, I’m just saying that Mike Scott brings a certain levity to watching a team get rolled by 25 at home by a middling midwestern team. There’s value in that. Darius Miles on The ‘02-04 Cleveland Cavaliers would understand.

Scott, uh, is fine

Watching Wall try to transition into a $40M/yr spot-up SG might actually break Burneko. Man’s gonna be outside chopping wood at 2am just whispering weird shit.

Hasn’t “force them to cover the flats” always been the primary way successful teams negate NE’s bigger linebackers, especially when they are dominating the line of scrimmage? Of course, BB will counter that, but it seems like you have to at least force NE out of their favored personnel group! Wasn’t that a big part

I know this is tangential, but it’s weird that Jackson is even in this story. There is the tweet containing the main story, the tweet from Gov. Dumbass, and then the Official Perspective of Black America tweet; which is apparently best understood via a boilerplate statement from Jesse Jackson, liked by all of a

If Draymond was any more of a dick he’d have to kick himself in the head. 

I have a tremendous amount of respect for Elizabeth Warren, but I’ll never understand why her team can’t stop ungreying the trolls.

Imagine he deleted the comment, now go tell him your theory on direct correspondence and cowardice.

Because the number of actual Republican voters who would look at a ballot with Trump on one side, and a progressive on the other, and throw away their vote on this dipshit out of “principal” is so low they could all comfortably fit alongside you in your mother’s basement.

Because the number of actual Republican voters who would look at a ballot with Trump on one side, and a progressive on the other, and then throw away their vote on this dipshit out of “principal” is so low they could all comfortably fit alongside you in your mother’s basement. 

In most states, I believe that’s a missinpeter

My kids will know what it’s like to fail and never quit.

Based off Romo’s announcing, a smart QB can read it like a kids menu.

Clearly Mark Richt lost control of Thanksgiving dinner

Looks like another man used to being a thumb on the scales of justice.

The Kemp/Abrams vote is utterly fucked, but the fact that the GOP’s gerrymandered 10/4 House split is now credibly down to 8/4 with two tossups is at least a step in the right direction.