From what I remember there is nothing in the movie saying “The process of turning him invisible has affected his brain.” to explain this turn. He just becomes invisible and decides to start raping and killing...
From what I remember there is nothing in the movie saying “The process of turning him invisible has affected his brain.” to explain this turn. He just becomes invisible and decides to start raping and killing...
objectively good post
It’s a wild paragraph.
Yea... the whole “his resulting injuries led to the use of a wheelchair” wording and the legal settlement sideye are both wierd as shit.
Which would be easier to discuss if so many of them weren’t deleting their old Kavanaugh tweets en masse...
It’s kind of wild that people have to link to places like the Daily Mail just to talk about this though, right? Less than two years ago this was a 10,ooo word cover of Rolling Stone kind of story, now you have to link to trash tabloids just to provide proper context. It almost makes you instinctively question whether…
As someone who grew up in an extremely rural area, and has owned guns and been around gun culture my entire life, I’m normally sympathetic to comments like this. But this is just a horrible take. First, hunting isn’t some inaleable right. We don’t construct firearm and hunting laws around the notion that it should be…
Hi there very real and legitimate Sanders supporter with an account created an hour ago. Thanks for your contribution
FWIW, that is 100% some weird troll who has decided to “Well, actually” the concept of working-class struggle this afternoon.
It’s interesting that “Biden” hasn’t even appeared in your comments yet, because most of your concerns seem to fit his message so well. Yet you—and the vast majority of those like you in NH—went with someone whose standing with people of color is often literally within the margin of error of nothing
The people who are going to be loudly all torn up about how the lefties are forcing them to vote for Bloomberg even though they just hate it are going to be something
At least in the popular press, I think a lot of European onlookers seem to have a better, more nuanced understanding of this, due in large part to their proximity to right-wing nationalism, seemingly without regard to political or cultural specifics. You just can’t look at places like the UK, France, Sweden, Italy,…
As an individual datapoint it might be, but as further evidence of an existing trend it seems meaningful, especially in reference to Nevada.
Between Bernie running away with the nonwhite vote and Biden getting fucking rinsed everywhere it looks like Joe is gonna have some rough weeks ahead. Just hate to see it!
It’s hard not to look at this article as another to add to the “Bad Takes” pile when the central focus is that this pushback had a racial component, when you know for a fact that if Bernie or #MayorCheat had pulled this, it would have been just as bad...
Clearly you haven’t seen the tiktok of Kissinger in a pussyhat