“Add this clip to the Golden Tate mixtape Chicago Bears blooper reel:”
“Add this clip to the Golden Tate mixtape Chicago Bears blooper reel:”
That part at the end is what sends me over the edge too. That woman has every right to turn the hose on that little shit.
It’s almost like Gronk anticipated contact from one of the other players and thought he’d be able to play it off like he was pushed. Then they held up and now Gronk is just out there plain as day being a complete fucking asshole.
Meanwhile back in Tallahassee
It’s also possible the House will vote on the Senate bill as is. This is riskier for the Republicans, because there are some very fundamental differences between the House’s version and the Senate version and there are House Republicans who might reject it. However, it’s possible they all want it to pass so…
Seriously, between her “bad” day and his “minor” injuries this is just an odd writeup. Unless there’s something else going on here that’s not being mentioned, this is way too glib.
This is a really weird take. Those “ignorant masses” seem to have handled themselves pretty well today, all things considered.
That’s a man severely overestimating himself. This’ll be good for him.
How are you figuring that the films reasonable floor is a $100M profit? A conservative estimate for the all-in cost of Justice League ($300M production budget * 1.50 advertising and marketing) is $450M or so. The film is going to rely heavily on foreign box office receipts, which will drive the studio take of gross…
This culminates in the Bills 2018 starting QB, Dick Peckerwood, getting cracked in the head with a folding chair outside the stadium. There’s no other way.
I really hope this guy works a Broncos game sometime soon.
This is a good catch. Also, GS is throwing some damn hard hooks during that scrum at the end—as opposed to whatever the fuck OS is doing.*
Don’t sleep on White Tanktop though. It looks like he did a nice job ducking that right hand at the beginning, and he managed to get G&B on the ground multiple times, even though that slippery floor wasn’t doing him any favors.
Jimmy Butler flailing around like he’s trying to swing a u-turn in a ‘77 Cutlass is the best shit I’ve seen all day. Thank you.
I respectfully disagree with your assessment of Mudiay—he isn’t great, may not even be good, but you are still prematurely placing him in the toilet. His per-36 numbers are steadily improving, year after year, most notably his shooting efficiency and rebounding. He is still a project, I get that, but he is not yet…
The hero we need right here
Guy popping up in the white T-shirt is begging for a “That’s my fetish” meme.