Lee Adama's Moral Center

I agree, his receivers really weren’t doing him any favors out there. I feel like Trubisky is going to catch a lot of shit for making poor decisions and “throwing into coverage”—but it seems pretty difficult to avoid throwing into coverage when your receivers are incapable of getting open on their own.

...and it’s former 28-year-old rookie Brandon Weeden...

You are absolutely correct. The “John McClane” thing that was mentioned above isn’t right. Firearm manufacturers called it the “Obama Effect” during the last administration, and it’s been proven correct time after time. They even reference it in quarterly earnings calls and reports. Any event that renews a national

I like this. His pants are billowing up because there is a wind machine off camera behind him, helping to create the chaotic swirling sand/fire/smoke effects. This seems to better explain how the “butt” collapses as soon as he shifts weight to stand—his foot’s angle changes, the airflow up his pant leg is immediately

the anti-Lieberman campaign has come to stand for much more than Lieberman’s sins. It’s a test of strength for the new breed of left-wing activists who are flexing their muscles within the party...Moreover, since their anti-Lieberman jihad is seen as stemming from his pro-war stance, the practical effect of toppling

The second half of this game was my first experience with Romo’s announcing. I knew he was internet famous for predicting plays, and that was neat, but I was not prepared for the joy of listening to Romo absolutely take apart Andy Dalton from the booth. There was one drive where Dalton refused to check to passes

Yea, you can argue Tomlin is trying to avoid the image of Big Ben standing while a large number of black players protest in some fashion. But it seems like Lauren has a good point; if the Steelers are the only team to do this, it could easily be seen as the most prominent team protest this weekend. That could amplify

Jeff Blauser.

We demand Deadspin take action against HighAndTight’s obvious false allegations. He blatant disrespects both the flag, the Badge, the troops and the Apple Pies.

Common mistake here, it’s actually better if you keep floating a bit and wash up on the shores of Ireland.

Guy on the left is not getting paid enough to deal with this bullshit

The ACA is an improvement over what existed before, but if you actually believe that every American has access to healthcare right now... well, the words “deliberate idiot” come to mind.  

Wow, the U.S. achieved universal healthcare coverage? When was that, exactly? Seems like people would have made a bigger deal about that.

The best part of this comment is that you don’t even think it’s worth mentioning last year’s 2nd round draft pick, at all—and you’re right. God, I fucking love the Jets.

I agree, Farrell was very good and his performance often gets overlooked due to S2's poor writing. But I also think he suffered quite a bit because so many of his most important scenes were shot opposite Vince Vaughn, in a style that Vaughn is ill-suited for. All those face-to-face bar scenes had potential—Farrell

Whoever ran a Twitch stream last night that went from <1K to 70K viewers in like 5 minutes, got shut down, and then posted a way to directly access a perfect 1080p Showtime stream was a damn hero. Easily the best stream I have ever seen for a fight.

Also worth pointing out that WaPo came to this conclusion shortly after Trump stared yelling about Amazon being a tax-dodging monopoly again.

Thanks for this! Also, in the spirit of fairness, it looks like I was overly harsh toward the oddsmaker. After rereading parts of this, it seems like the prophecy bets don’t actually “stay active throughout the course of the show”—only the course of this season. So all of these odds are just for Sunday night at this

Yea, I get the whole “Westorosi bucks” thing. But even if you are just playing for bragging rights, it seems like the odds should have some kind of cohesive logic behind them. I mean, Drogon dies from a poison bolt is 6-5, yet The Wall comes down is 10-1, both for the remainder of the show?