Lee Adama's Moral Center

So this is new for me, but you folks have an oddsmaker giving 10-1 odds on The Wall coming down... at some point? Am I reading that right? Because if so, that’s basically free money. The damn thing exists solely to come down.

I’m gonna curve that Avatar/Titanic bait just to quickly applaud this very good True Lies take. That is still a damn entertaining movie.

Two years ago folks would’ve been happy just adding Outkast to Stone Mountain. Release that petition today and it probably demands Outkast gets the whole mountain. This is progress.

He really doesn’t understand that while the probability that he’ll be surrounded by more outwardly racist people on campus might have gone up a little, the probability that he’ll be surrounded by far more people happy to beat his ass for being outwardly racist has absolutely gone up. A lot.

Juror No. 52: When I walked in here today I looked at him, and in my head, that’s a snake — not knowing who he was. I just walked in and looked right at him and that’s a snake.

This doesn’t seem close to me either. Google tells me roughly 40% of the adult human population is overweight and that the average male is 5'6" and the average female is 5'2". If that’s remotely true, the pool of people who can reasonably expect to dunk a basketball—something that can’t exactly be lucked into—is lower

Brietbart is foaming at the mouth right now. They’ll have at least 2K comments within the first hour. Their thoughts, for those understandably opposed to visiting that particular web address: 1) “American ISIS” 2) “Marxist Antifa” 3) “Race War” 4) Random lists of all the guns they have bought recently 5) “LOCKED AND

What? How are they the same... sports and Game of Thrones reviews? I’m pretty sure all of Deadspin’s content is produced by unionized staff.

This’ll work: “Andrew Jackson killed too many Indians and never apologized for it, so there.”

I understand that after a morning filled with more Mayweather/McGregor shit, a sports cat, and fucking Nazis you were happy to just be able to write about some dude getting hit in the neck. I get it, and I’m not trying to judge.

You can do this for white people who have spent a significant amount of time around black people too, or at least you can in the south.

Eh, Bitcoin isn’t fake, but it’s not money either. At least not in any meaningful sense of the word. It’s a highly speculative asset; it’s worth what the herd says it’s worth at any given moment. It has no intrinsic or legal value—nor any institutional or governmental importance—and is priced purely off of market

Didn’t think this day would include me contemplating whether or not London should bring back the stockades for a bit, but here’s this fucker and now here I am.

You are absolutely right. There is some serious cognitive dissonance in the comments here—the idea that two adults are separating for an entirely reasonable, and seemingly relatable reason isn’t squaring with the comment section’s biases, and shit is glitching as a result.

Schumer over there, leaned back, grinning ear-to-ear and Mitch can’t even bring himself to look in his direction as he passes by.

This list needs to have more Bro-country.* More specifically, it needs to have more Jason fucking Aldean. Doesn’t matter which album; seriously, just pick one. That horrible shit is ubiquitous in the south, and it’s just truly, unequivocally awful.

To be fair I think that falls under amplifying unheard voices

Fuck it I laughed

“Didn’t work for me.”