“Hanging Chad” was my porn name at one time.
“Hanging Chad” was my porn name at one time.
Research methodology is questionable at best if #1 result for Ohio is not “Cleveland Steamer”.
Wow. I worry this says something about the ability of voters from those states to check the right boxes on their ballots?
It’s clear to me that 45's base doesn’t want someone to speak intelligently or intelligibly to them. They just want someone who hates who they hate & makes them feel okay about being lazy, irredeemable filth.
“Fucking asshole” is a good all-purpose label. Then elaborate on that as circumstances allow.
I hope this awful bitch I worked with years ago can never find jeans that really work on her, and also that she may have unfettered access to abortion services should she need them.
Lying cunt for the win!
I’m sure the city searches were from confused users who thought they were typing into the “Find MILFs Near You” ad search box.
Nothing, but pure dread, Reesey.
something like 7,000 morons voted for Kanye in my state. I really wish joke candidates were excluded. Ugh and 48k votes for that libertarian lady, though I bet that took from Biff’s votes.
Connecticut here, are you fucking kidding me?! 40.7% That orange Mussolini got almost 41% of the vote here?
I can’t take much more of this shit. The closeness of all of this is just so upsetting. I live in friggin Vermont, and Biden only won by 65%. 3% went to 3rd parties, but Trump got 32% here?? That’s mindblowing to me, and so disheartening. We’re supposed to be so solidly liberal up here. Still, better than the South.
I really don’t get Kentucky, Mitch literally looks worse than the weird corpse-like Palpatine from the Rise of Skywalker. The dude literally looks like he’s going to collapse.
It would be like the freshman double next to the elevator that everyone else in the dorm takes the stairs to avoid.
He and Madison Cawthorn can share an apartment!
I know a Piece of Shit when I see one...and that is a real piece of shit
You kidding me? All my neighboring states are a disappointment now, except you New Mexico, you go New Mexico!