
Holding on to hope:

I’m still seeing people wringing their hands on social media and saying that they hope that ‘whoever wins, our nation can get together and heal’ and I can’t even...


A majority is >50. Neither Gore nor Clinton got >50 of the popular vote. They had a plurality, meaning that while they got more votes than any other candidate, the majority of voters actually voted against them. Assuming the final numbers shake out the way everyone seems to be thinking this year, that won’t be the

Fucking chads.

I absolutely agree, but if he loses enough of the toss-up states then I doubt that strategy will be effective. If it all comes down to PA then I am going to be very worried.

It’s amazing how little impact the pandemic seems to have had on the actual final play-out of this. Back in February and early March (when Biden clinched the nomination), the thinking was that the Presidency was possible but tough (it would be close), and the Senate would be hard. Very good chance the Democrats won

The Republicans suffered a major loss in 2018, and now 2 years later, with 230 000+ Americans dead at Trump’s own hands, they’ve somehow recovered and are doing better. These morons are claiming they think Trump can rebuild an economy HE destroyed. A man who was unfit to handle an economy in the first place because he

I realized I AGAIN put too much faith in polling, and like last time I was watching the election results this morning/last night being like “excuse me WHAT.” Ugh

I live in Maine and I can't believe how close it is; Collins should be toast 

Sandy Hook is the other thing that did me in.

I don’t have hope. I’ve long stopped believing that Americans will do the right thing when a buffoon is at the helm, especially in 2004.

Please talk about the Senate elections. They are absolutely crucial.

The Republican party is alive and well in all 50 states and will continue to be so long as there are people who place more importance on their own finances than on the wellbeing of human beings they consider “others.”

The modicum of hope I feel now has to do with the fact that Biden’s attorneys are very well-prepared for the eventual quackshittery that 45 will bring. However, if the Supreme Court undermines the election legitimacy (again), this bodes extremely ill for the future of the nation.

I need chilled vodka to tolerate her, anytime. 

Kanye writes himself in:

Digging Leighton Meester’s Gin Blossoms reunion tour vibe.

Big deal. My top was off while I filled out my mail-in ballot two weeks ago. However, the good news was I didn’t get ketchup on another t-shirt for once.