
I didn’t think that Hillary was going to win and I didn’t trust the polls. This is not because I am smarter or politically savvy in any way whatsoever. This is because I kept in touch with my “disenfranchised” (lol) hometown. What was incredibly fucking annoying though was when everyone in my super liberal city


Let’s call her “Boo Scarymore” for Halloween 🎃

I feel you. Whenever I think of Cher in Clueless saying “Oh my god, I love Josh!” I’m like, saaaaaaame, girl.

Goddess, some days I come here just to read you. LMAO.

I am currently very happily pregnant and pregnancy has only served to make me more staunch in my belief that no one should be made to carry and raise a child against their will.

Considering how many procedures her dad promised to but did not shell out for, this is especially egregious.

I have fantasies about being the old woman from Princess Bride anytime I see them around here.

Everyone want to piss off Trump? Go get a covid test! (funds permitting where it isn’t free or covered by insurance) The line’s a little long right now, I’d wait until the afternoon.

Something tells me George just lies there.

“the Lincoln Project, which is nothing if not a very ingenious scam to enrich some of the worst Republicans from the previous decade, whitewash their reputations, and ensure that they’ll have enduring relevance in the coming years.”

Can we not “post-Trump era” I feel like it is a curse or bad karma

That’s funny, because I’m a hard working, patriotic American who wants socialist medicine and a healthy environment for my kids and grandkids.

This passion may help us. There is very little excitement for Biden even among Democratic supporters. This is a better vision for the future, imho -- and may help encourage people to their ballots. 

My only source of consternation about this is that I wish VF hadn’t published this until after the election. I love AOC but she’s a lightning rod for conservatives, and we don’t need to give the GOP’s base any more motivation to vote (symbolically) against her, which is what Trump and co. have been trying to convince

“It’s not just that we can be better, it’s that we have to be better. We’re not good enough right now.”

I have no idea and no idea of how all of “that” (circular motioning of hand) works.

For all intensive purposes there IS no copy-editing. Still, what do you expect in this doggy-dog world? 

That hat is photoshopped, right? STOP CONFUSING ME, HAT.

Also neck and neck, not neck-in-neck.  Copy editing around here is ...