
Proof again Trump is not the 5-D chess strategist a lot of his lumpen supporters think he is. All the ambulant orange colostomy bag had do do right from the start was say “Follow the CDC guidelines. That’s our best approach for managing this crisis while we put maximum effort into developing treatments and vaccines.

I find the title of this misleading. I got excited because COVID-19 has done interesting things to previously solid, platonic friendships, and I wanted to read more about it.

My standard response: “Can’t complain.” It can conveniently be interpreted two ways.

So true! And thank you for sharing the solution you’ve found as a family. I like this. Being asked “How are you?”other than in a professional business setting or brief greeting situation— where the person asking is merely asking as a formality or as a social greeting and doesn’t really want any details— reminds me of

My family, not known for our great mental health, finally decided that that best way to ask “how are you?” is to text pics of our pets and let that open dialogue for someone to say “feeling down” or “hey, this non-shitty thing happened to me help me celebrate!” OTOH, “How are you?” feels like it requires an answer-diss

The first clue was that he drove a Dodge Challenger.

Despite all of this, fall is still the best season, and Thanksgiving is still our best public holiday. 

Everyone loves the “In the Air Tonight” drum break, but I think the one in “I Don’t Care Anymore” is much more of a banger. I think it would have been great if THAT came out after everything else and signaled some kind of new dark direction for Phil.

Don’t make me choose

Not quite plated, more like “Gold Tone”

14 karat is awfully generous for a family whose entire lifestyle is gold plated.

“What I think is so powerful—when my father says that he’s going to... there will be a cure for AIDS in the next 10 years, there will be, and God bless,” Tiffany said. “Like, thank you. Like, yes.”

They sent Tiffany.

And ditch their code words “likability” and “economic anxiety”.”

And ditch their code words “likability” and “economic anxiety”. FFS. 

Right now, in this moment, I don’t give two sh*** as to the WHY they are ok with Biden, as long as they vote for him.

Which has been my frustration this year. As much as I would’ve given my right arm to watch Warren clean Trump’s clock... I’m now down to admitting that Biden *had* to be the nominee. Because the bottom line is that *somehow* (DESPITE all the handsiness!!!) he’s just so inoffensive.

I guess this is my age... I’m not sure if it’s just a GenX+ thing, but who the fuck doesn’t know that Hilary is boxed in by sexism?

Yes HRC’s base knows misogyny played a major role in her loss. It’s not as widely acknowledged as this article implies. Just because it’s exhausting does not mean it should not be called out and shamed. The patriarchy is systemic and pervasive. We shouldn’t weary of calling misogyny by its name.