
you’d be amazed how far shit will travel in aerosol form...

thats a clothing donation bin for a local charity......its taking up half the stall so really the truck was just doing its best.

The idiot should have done what I do. I park out in BFE where none of the car slamming fatass waddlers want to park as they’ll get a heart attack trying to get into the store from the outer reaches, search for an end spot, and hug THAT line, while still staying within the markers. No door dings, and nobody gives a

Do you even know how much season tickets for these seats are gonna cost?

Nah, that’s exactly what she’s saying. It was fine for the shame cycle to end his career, what wasn’t fine was when people started saying “Hey, hold on, that’s an overreaction” which is certainly an arguable position - it’s not like the man is ineducable. He’s a guy who made a stupid joke, he’s not a dog that mauled a

“We need to get out of the shame-spiral… well, we can spiral a little… only until it gets to the exact resolution I believe in.”

That represents the:

Back when I was a kid in the Bay Area, I had read about ants from different colonies fighting each other. So one day I took one of those little clear plastic bug boxes to school (about 2 miles away), picked up an Argentine ant at the end of the day, took it home, and set it loose next to the ants on the sidewalk in

I prefer the Italian Mustang.


But for $39,000 US dollars that seems like a pretty good deal if it actually runs and drives.

If I were allowed to be the wildly eccentric billionaire I’m supposed to be, I’d buy it and sell it for $500 to the LeMons team that submitted the best crayon rendering of its racing livery.

I was watching the news this morning when the news-reader said, “He’s in a black sedan,” and showed the picture. I turned to my wife and said, “Why can’t they say it’s a black 1999-2000 Hyundai Elantra?”

Things got better for Oher after practice, when Sandra Bullock picked him up as he was walking home and took him back to her place, where she fed him supper and let him sleep in her guest bedroom, which has air-conditioning.

Michael Oher Says The Blind Side Was Bad For His Career

Becuase I said so has been a corner stone of law enforcement for long time now.

You should see if he would do an AMA, that would be cool

The real question is what am I going to do with the $3 check I’ll surely be receiving any day now.

Good!... now Mr. Wheeler can we do something about tethering?...