
Your argument neglects one important aspect; I.Q. The same error of judgements are made in every sport where we expect to see sweat and athletic prowess on display and so can't quite come to terms with the athlete who doesn't sweat and in fact makes their feats of athleticism seem so easy as to be pedestrian and

The big stumbling block surrounding these conversations/debates center around time. Ones perspective can be clouded with time, too fresh with the time, nostalgic for the time, etc. Time needs to pass plain and simple before any judgements, both pro and con are made. I wish people would stop with the comparisons and

The title of this piece had me intrigued but the bs quotient was just too much to maintain interest.

I don't think you know what you are talking about. The risk increases EXPONENTIALLY at these speeds and if you don't believe me try it.... on a track..... away from people.

I guess her beach buddy, Chelsea Handler didn't get that memo.

Actually I'm a boomer as I was born in 55. Can't speak for myself but it seemed the article was describing MY PARENTS. What goes around goes around and around and around.....

I feel sorry for parents and kids these days. I truly believe we had just as many dangers then as now. The difference has to be the fear aspect we just didn't have when we were youngsters. It wasn't just common for us kids to disappear for the whole day, it was expected.

At least ESPN is consistent. I have always found them exasperating and have never had much patience with them and ANY of their commentary

The thing is when it finally explodes, and it will, will anyone be surprised? Will anyone other than "the usual suspects" not think the various police departments only "have them selves to blame"?

This article is offensive... to Malala. It trivializes her for the sake of demeaning Bristol. What, Bristol is so powerful that you had to get a Nobel peace prize winner to make an argument? Very disrespectful to Malala and what she stands for.

Glad I don't live in the States.

Sometime the lessons learned are not the lessons taught. Welcome to the REAL world, little guy.

Not to mention the U.S. is NOT the only country in the world that should be concerned. I say leave any military options for the regional powers and the rest of the world. Think instead of the America who committed to the "Berlin Airlift" of post war 1945. Forget about the politics. Concetrate on the human costs and

Anybody who knows any thing about the British health care system knows it is far from perfect, and I am being kind.

I'm a Patriots' fan and feel excluded. Where's your, "Why Your Team Sucks 2014: New England Patriots" bit?

Charming; not.

One day someone is going to commit a massacre of some police unit and a sizable amount of the public will conclude they had it coming... The various police departments better wake up to the fact that the public believe these police forces are at war with the public citizenry, or a least one part of it. And in war

Give me an address and I'll help out with a few bucks. Money well spent...

What I would like to know is where are the black cop voices in all these shootings? It would be a powerful thing to hear a little outrage from THEM.