Here’s a third take-away:
Here’s a third take-away:
How about this? The women decide that they’ll stick to their bursaries, grants and scholarships, get an education and let the rest of America fret about fatuous and empty proclamations such as, “WE’RE NUMBER ONE! WE’RE NUMBER ONE!”? That particular women’s sport in the Olympics will die of course but.... that’s…
What? Bill “ossified” Polian? The genius who knew Brady’s worth but didn’t draft him in any of the five rounds Brady was still available? That Bill Polian?
Fair enough... Now can we stop putting the Marines on a pedestal like they are some sort of demigods? It seems they have their share of scum just like all segements of society has..
I’d like to see him in Buffalo. He’d make much more noise there and really that team is one GOOD quarterback away from being a serious threat to NE. The receiving corps and O line on that team has been wasted as proven with Chriss Hogan, formally of the Bills, finding huge success with NE. Think what Romo could do…
Maybe the thing that made him succeed is the thing that makes him unstable or unhinged. Focus and obsessive; two sides of the same coin?
You do realize what this celebration represents in time and effort, right?
Of course it goes without saying that this is the same old, same old Republican demonstration of hypocrisy. The difference? As Corey Booker of the Democratic party recently found out, the days of anonymity are gone. I look forward to Monday when this hypocrite gets skewered and REVEALED on twitter, Youtube and other…
People like that are hateful idiots and that they knowingly gave in to socially ugly acts of terrorism makes me have little sympathy for the lost years they are about to endure. In addition to that they were and are also fools that naively thought they were somehow in alliance with power. It is the same old story; you…
Naw... They’re just a couple of senior citizens, not as quick on their feet as they used to be. Anyone used to things being done a certain way for half a century can’t be expected to suddenly tap-dance their way to a bold save. I don’t blame them at all; in fact they are part of history now and I’m sure it won’t be…
Have you asked them why? Maybe they know something you don’t... I haven’t watched the movie but from what I gleam the major difference between it and past musicals of the “golden age” is that it is a MOVIE using the “musical” motif as its central prop; with all the baggage and metaphors that that is commonly…
And in two weeks time she will be asking for Christian forgiveness of words “taken out of context”.
I voted NDP. The best party lost to glitz, glam and nepotism
The first thing cops learn is to never be shy about giving a citizen a “humbling”.
I read the “fucking article” with clear eyes. Did you? Please stop crying because someone doesn’t agree with a tired narrative that seems more about attention seeking than getting at some pristine truth. In the context that trlergrl is describing that “attention seeking” is vulgar.
You can have him. And if you won’t, ask your lady friends if they will. If this was a litmus test of good character then this guy failed and failed because he’s a failure as a person. As for the lady, next to nothing is revealed about her failings.
To be fair that only happens on university campuses where students don’t quite understand what a University is supposed to stand for. Every where else it is usually the Left taking issue with racist, bigoted and fascist BEHAVIOR. But you continue with that CNN-like equivocation and false equivalency. It’s been going…
On a serious note, why are’nt we banning all young males? Where is the media? It’s a disaster... sad.
Actually, this is why I don’t care about Basketball.
The old adages apply (sorry); better to be hated than ignored; better to be happy than sad; better to stand alone than sit with the others; better to be the bully than the bullied.