
I role my eyes whenever I read comments like this. Successful "acting" as we classically know it doesn't really happen, at all, in the movies. If you want to watch REAL acting go to the theater. Movies are about alchemy; a blend of direction, actor input, decent writing, etc. But, first and foremost for a film actor

It isn't the shortness of the kilt, it's who or what is in it. Wonder Woman should look at least like she might play some physical sports: this is an Amazon?!?! I have a feeling this film is NOT targeting ME.

That'll learn 'm

I don't feel sorry for A.P.; I do for the child's too short years, his misery and his despair. If was in A.P.'s shoes, with all the resources at my disposal.... this wouldn't of happened. It's called "passion" and "will". I think A.P. had or has a distinct lack of either. He saves that for the football field, I guess.

The main thing is that she made sure she had her hand on the rail. They get militant about stuff like that in the Metro.

Oh please, I'm a white heterosexual middle aged male and I couldn't stand his "cartoon" machismo. He had the athleticism but not the art.

How soon we forget. How long ago was it that all networks broke for the OJ Simpson's "motorcade" escapade? The public demands that and the only solution is to balance such ratings driven programing with tax funded public access television and radio. Or, get rid of your tv's and search the internet for REAL news.

I guess that settles it, no one commenting here at Jezebel is interested in seeing the movie then? Me? I'm kind of looking forward to it. No one and I mean no one plays damaged characters like Jolie. Gia, Lisa and now Maleficent. It is going to be delicious.


While women historically have been oppressed men have been repressed; the difference is that one group is responsible for both conditions.

NOW they love science.

Sadly it takes the murder of "the beautiful people" to put the spotlight squarely on this national disgrace of Venezuela's. Bad for business, bad for the government, good perhaps for addressing the issue.

My earliest memories start around that age. At the very least this is psychologically a life effecting event. In a way she is lucky she is so young. My belief is that the younger you are the more resilient you are.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Ashley is an absolute long shot for bronze.

I'm one of those figure skating enthusiasts. Because of that I am always on the relevant boards and since it is the world wide internet there are ways to watch the coverage. Just takes a little work. At the same time it doesn't hurt to live in Canada.

Funny how with all the great effects seen in Gravity the picture of Sandra above is from my favorite scene of the movie.

Like most people in the middle my desire is for people to be reasonable. Pro choice, yes; late term, I get antsy. But it seems it seems with so many things, governments, police, doctors, people, judges LAWS, etc, never know how to strike that balance. Maybe the rule of thumb is, when ever possible, personal

Probably the most relevant film out there. The final scene where the FBI agent shares the subway with a bunch of "losers" and "the wolf" doing a motivational lecture to a bunch of other "losers" says it all when you realize the losers are in fact us and we all want what he has. I left the theater depressed.

Only one thing needs to be said about the purchaser; act with haste regret with leisure.

Yeah, she got royally screwed. In deference to her I say, fuck Stieg's family and fuck them trying to cash in.