
The one with Angel that always catches me off guard is when Jeremy Renner shows up in an episode.

Same! We watched through both Buffy and Angel with our kids last year. “Holy shit, it’s [insert actor name]!” escaped my lips about 20 times.

Catching Amy Adams in S5 always gets me, too.  

We were doing a rewatch of Buffy a few months ago and I was startled to see him. I had no idea he’d been in the business that long.

It’s interesting as a litmus test just because there’s a much more expansive take than the binary “he’s a hero/he’s a villain”, and that’s that he can both be sympathetic for facing issues everyone does and sometimes wishes they could rail against, while also being an example of someone going off the deep end in a way

“Whenever Mr. Potato Head’s not on screen, Buzz should be asking, ‘Hey, where’s Mr. Potato Head?’”

Come for the weirdoes insulting actual children, stay for the weirdoes doing a capitalism to needle trans people.

Casino is much better than people think.

I’m sorry. What?

I don’t know if I’d call it a new method of animation. It’s essentially computer assisted rotoscoping. He uses a consumer grade animation program to make his stuff.

Joel Haver is a wonderful content creator who's well worth checking out. He pioneered a whole new method of animation and uses it to enhance his stories. He also has a few really nice and heartfelt full length movies on his YouTube. He deserves as many eyeballs on his content as he can get.

Probably the relative ranks of the victim/perps and wanting to deep six the real reasons why each beating happened. Joffrey was functionally a nobody and they could probably cook up some excuse as to why a Kingsgaurd would beat him to death to avoid all the questions about the true motive. Criston outranked Harvin

The strongest nostalgia I think I will ever feel is for the heyday of LucasArts in the 90s. X-Wing and TIE Fighter, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max, and Monkey Island. Just a pile of huge hits.

I’m genuinely surprised he didn’t conceal his identity with some sort of full-face mask.

“In the semi-final round, Hardy spared martial arts veteran Danny Appleby”

lol was all that rambling really to come to some reverse racism conclusion.

I am loathe to defend someone for using the word “edutainment”, but the fact is movies have been distorting and exaggerating history since the birth of the medium. Buzzwords aside, I think Davis and Tennon seem pretty knowledgable about the real story and aware of the limits of of big budget studio filmmaking. The

I think some of the “backlash against criticism about representation” is about the fact that it sometimes feels like it’s the only subject critics are interested in. This was, by far, the best episode of House of the Dragon. It managed to create a tension the show has been lacking, and ended with a scene where all the

Why is this a story? How was he supposed to know she was her mother? I did a short stint working security for events like this a long time ago and it’s not like they provide the guards with a list of names + photos of people associated with whatever celebrities are there. The goal is to keep the wrong people out and

How so? We literally saw this happen in the episode.