
Let’s also acknowledge that Millenials are much more likely to have the self-awareness necessary to acknowledge stuff like “hey I have an anxiety problem and I should seek help”. My grandmother had an severe anxiety problem but she literally died before she would admit it.

Is that the one with Whoopi Goldberg in it and they solve mysteries or some shit?

EDIT: Oh fuck

So I guess being Wednesday is like being a king or w/e, the absolute best ones don’t want the job.

For me the problems with Galadriel is in the writing, not the casting, I think Ms. Clark does a fine job with what she has.

The issue with Galadriel is that she’s written as an impulsive hothead, which doesn’t mesh with her character in the films or the books, where she is portrayed as mysterious, measured, and wise.

It’s hard to imagine a character that has aged more poorly, and is less relevant, than Tarzan.

I wonder how many of these Twitter trolls would see a movie about George Washington fighting the Revolutionary War and complain about how it “glorifies slavers”...

“running around”?

Is this a comment, or a cry for help?

I mean all of the TNG episodes are on there though...

Phoning it in? Say what you will about Nick Cage (I’m a fan), but “phoning it in” is just something he absolutely does not do. I mean that’s why even his bad movies are usually worth watching.

Not a Star Trek fan I see... literally the only reason I have it.

This dude looks so much like Tom Hardy its frightening. Roll another off the assembly line!

But if we cancel Tom Hardy, where will we find another beefy white guy to brood in front of the camera? WHO WILL BROOD

Right? Aren’t NFTs just Star-naming rights for web-hosted image files?

No but the actual NFT is literally just a piece of data on the blockchain, with two pertinent values, the ID of the “owner” and the URL. Yes, people claim that “owning” the NFT means you “own” the image, but would that actually hold up from a legal standpoint? If I sell you a picture of the Rocky Mountains and say,

Isn’t an NFT just a URL to a web-hosted image file? I’m not sure if it’s illegal to sell links to an image you don’t own. Like if I said, come get your Wikipedia links here, $5 a pop, and you pay me $5 and I say, now you own a webpage with a link to a wikipedia image... am I breaking the law? I’m not a lawyer but It

This is a pretty judgmental and cynical attitude. “Sure, he’s keeping families out of homelessness, but is he doing it for the right reasons??”

Glad to see McLevy calling out the “Yoko broke up the band” argument as a sexist relic (it’s racist too). The Beatles broke up primarily because John was over it and wanted to move onto other things. His relationship with Yoko was a result of that, not the cause. It’s time to retire this tired refrain.

I saw a video of somebody pleading with him to stop performing so they can stop the crush and help the wounded... he completely ignores her. Surely he’s not the only one responsible, and I’m no lawyer, but it seems like it wouldn’t be too hard to the make the case that he bears some responsibility.

How is Ringo warning you with peace & love not a meme already?