
I’m guessing they might start exploring some non-Peter Parker Spider-people next, Miles Morales being an obvious fan favorite.

What a terrible violation of canon. Superman has and always will be a closeted gay man.

In all seriousness, it’s actually great to see more bi representation, especially men, an underrepresented group in fiction.

Thank you for this insightful and extremely valuable comment. The internet was made a better place today, thanks to you. Pat yourself on the back, hero.

It’s definitely something that I, as a Lord of the Rings fan, want. I hated The Hobbit films because they stretched out a focused character journey into something much larger and meandering, but the content in the Silmarillion (and other Tolkien legendarium works) is written very differently, not as a typical novel but

Sorry what does “line from either focus” mean, what is a “focus” here?

Excellent point, definitely shows the double standard, I mean he seems very shootable even by Nazi standards. Now that I think about it, I would be 0% surprised if that’s how he ended up with a colostomy bag to begin with.

Also: man, Ninja Yoda SUCKED

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks!

I admit I’m pretty clueless when it comes to music theory, but isn’t G7 a chord (aka multiple simultaneous notes), not a note? I haven’t really heard the human voice described in terms of chords before.

What, no Frostpunk mention?

Ah yes, Slasher, or as we call it in my house, Canadian Horror Story.

I would 100% listen to a podcast that’s just these three guys talking about the Beatles.

Surely we already knew this?

Agree with everything except no second season??  I want more!!!!! This story is not over.

Dr. Manhatten was killed because Dr. Manhatten let himself be killed. He knew that dude Angela shot by the teleport gun wasn’t down. He could have vaporized the truck or done any number of things to avoid this outcome. He knew everything, and yet he still went down this path willingly. Everything that took place

I thought it was pretty scary 🤷‍♂️ I watch a lot of horror movies and there is some real trash out there... I thought Black Christmas was better than average, and I was never bored watching it.  I’d give it a B, B minus.

Hmm.. “white male mediocrity justifies its own anger and sense of victimization”

Except, that’s not at all what the movie was about. How anyone could watch that movie and think that Arthur’s defining characteristic is “mediocrity” or that he’s somehow a stand-in for white males everywhere is beyond me. Arthur is a

but why tho

There’s just so many reasons to choose from!

Ghost Beaters!