
I assume we will see him again via the multi-verse, but for the cast and the director, this just wasn’t the film to do it. 

I agree, but also I hate how we collectively analyze every celebrity apology for any possible way we can spin it negatively to further castigate the offender. It’s really toxic. He didn’t do anything to me. Why do I need my pound of flesh? Shouldn’t whether it’s an acceptable apology or not be up to the people he’s

At least he seems genuinely sincere and apologetic. Probably one of the best apologies I’ve seen from a celeb. 

Well, this was fairly incoherent. 

So she didn't learn anything and is still happily antivax with no repercussions whatsoever.... Great...

Good for her. People need to start doing what’s best for themselves. Get paid, make that shmoney.

I think the word “book” answers your question

I don’t want to spoil the end of The Walking Dead, but Daryl finally crossbows all the zombies in North America.

Then he and Carol ride a motorcycle to Europe.

The most perplexing part of all of this is the show being set in Europe.

It’s not surprising you would think that. After all, you shit the bed pretty much every time you post on here!

Apocalypse is nowhere near as good as it could have been, but I do think it gets unfairly shit on. It’s still nowhere near as bad as Last Stand or Origins, much less utter dreck like Catwoman or Elektra.

lol, an unlicensed fireman, that takes deep pockets.

toying with the idea of turning DC into its own solidified content vertical.

This is a bit lazy, eh? Easier than digging into thorny questions of societal forgiveness, at any rate.

Yeah where I take umbrage is when other people want to regulate other people’s ability to see/vote for Louis C.K.

He publicly owned up to it and apologized. He had a megadeal with FX taken away. Comedy clubs were refunding people if customers could not stand to see him and walk out. Millions in tour dates cancelled. A solid 3+ years laying low...and she’s against cancel culture, but wants him to still pay for what he did?  All

Was odd to see I sorry I offended you rather than sorry you were offended by what I said.

Boy isn’t it crazy seeing an actual apology with thought put into it instead of some “sorry if you were offended” crap? You don’t see many of these.

“and did they have to use so many cuss words?”