
I’ve got a feeling that a lot of the “Chris Rock should press charges” people are also “Why does everything have to be about race” people with a little anti-CRT moaning thrown in.

The slap was an insane overreaction to a shitty but innocuous joke, but the LAPD as a whole needs to be told to go fuck itself. Daily.

Even Chris Rock knows better than letting the LAPD take away a black man

Apparently Kevin Smith was very well liked on the sets of the CW/ ArrowVerse shows when he directed them. I saw one funny interview with Chyler Leigh who had a DC action figure in her trailer on set that Smith gave her for nailing a scene. She said she didn’t take it home because if she did her sons would want to play

I’m going to go against the AV Club grain here and say Kevin Smith seems like a really decent, cool guy.

This is an article about a victim of assault, and you’re spreading evidence of the assault. Seems a bit skeevy and slimy.

Geeze, that’s almost as dated as the GI Jane joke! 

“How was your weekend?”

I mean, I feel like a Star Trek fan would have watched at least some of the what, 9+ seasons of new Star Trek that have come out in the past few years instead of just asking the internet to tell them how they should feel about them sight unseen lol.

He doesn’t have to regret a thing. He’s Nicolas fucking Cage, OK?

I don’t begrudge him any of his choices. If I were an actor, and I were offered a large number of crappy films that payed me a lot of money, or a handful of roles that would boost my prestige, I think I'd be tempted towards the former, even if I didn't owe the IRS $6 million.

So much for the Snyder Cult’s boycott...

Logan Marshall-Green is right there.

The Snyder Cult really doesn’t have any sense of media literacy...

These are all the folks who got in too late to sell the “naming rights” to stars in a book they print themselves or to offer “very prestigious” membership in honor societies they make up and mail every family in America about.

I’m not surprised to hear this. I’ve heard stories over the years that despite the image Juggalos are low key wholesome af.

...a non-judgmental, inclusive community for people on the fringe, built on a beautiful communion they call ‘family.’

Albini has been on a tear recently. His most recent “look guys I was an immature edgelord” own-up was a really good start; it wasn’t perfect, but considering most of his contemporaries have taken to doubling down on being shitty, it’s a big move. And now this stuff; he’s stepping up for stuff you wouldn’t expect

In the time of Mr. Show, David definitely had the more striking, memorable characters. But David aged into a crotchety asshole, while Bob became a paternal, if surreal, prestige actor. 

It’s fine if you like David Cross more than me.”