
You have to admit, it was a bit much when you forced him to read the article.


Deakins would have been great, but Rogue One had amazing cinematography. The color palette and lighting in that movie captured the Star Wars feel spectacularly.  I think Fraser will be a good fit for Dune.

I thought Season 3 was great. Very compelling stories with real character growth, that didn’t just rehash previous seasons or go nowhere. I really enjoyed this show, and I’m sad to see it go.

Allow me to clarify. It’s rewriting history in the sense that it’s permanently modifying a cultural artifact and obfuscating the existence of the original. Maybe it’s just a coincidence that it just happens to make the people who were involved in the project look like they were never involved with a creep. But it’s

Looks like a goth pool toy.

Hilarious that Americans snub Chipotle over “food safety”, then just walk across the street to the diarrhea factory known as Taco Bell.

She just repeated it over and over again

About an hour of the movie is the Rock opening up various loot crates, hoping to get that sweet Level 18 Rare he needs to defeat the boss. He eventually gets it, but ends up spending over $300.

I agree this is fine but isn’t it hilarious how “leftist liberal” has become a shorthand for “I am capable of experiencing compassion and empathy”?

Did y’all really think you’d get more than two seasons of this?  We didn’t even get two seasons of Firefly!

He exists in a separate universe? A separate but equal universe, right?

Kerrigan got a silver medal in that Olympics, I’d hardly call that nothing.

There is only one person on this thread who is behaving in a manner that may be described as “unhinged.”  Care to guess who it is?

not okay.

I would argue, no, it’s not the right thing to do. It’s a cop-out that tries to ignore the reality that some things look different in hindsight, and that we can’t foresee every outcome. Once your work is out there, it’s out there. Make something new that addresses what makes you uncomfortable about the old work, don’t

2017, when the celebrity who’s being outed as a rapist that day is someone you don’t much care about, and you call that “a good day.”

This is creepy. What CK did was horrendous, and I’m all for firing him from future projects, but this 1984 rewriting of history is fucked up. This thing happened. For better or for worse, it’s weird to want to deny that fact.

Age of consent with hot peppers? Idk, worse-case scenario, this seems like a harmless way to learn a valuable lesson about doing what you’re told or giving in to peer pressure.  Hot peppers will not cause any lasting damage.

Wait, he ‘made’ them? How was he able to force them against their will?  It looks like they are participating willingly?