
The joke’s on us.

If you’re asking, “will this hurt us in the short term?” and the answer is yes, absolutely, losing Franken in the Senate will weaken the already-weak Democratic presence there. But that’s the thing with having principles, sometimes you have to do the right thing even when it might cause some damage.

Speaking of things being grammatically incorrect, how can God forsake (aka abandon) an abstract concept like the reason Keith Urban wrote a song?


Remember when people thought Trump could never be president?

Unless they didn’t live in a swing state! Then their vote didn’t matter!

Woah, I don’t think I’ve ever seen “legacy” used as an adjective outside of a computer science context.

Yeah but you get what you pay for

Gleaning. Not “gleaming.” With an N. For fucks sake.

Who the hell is Lombardo? It says Matt Damon and Russel Crowe vouched for him, which killed the story, but the article doesn’t seem to mention who he actually is...

Dear Amazon: Do. Not. Whitewash. This.

Honestly, on the old site, I would have agreed, but nowadays you can’t take that for granted. I’m sure there will be an army of MRAs and other assorted Trump supporters braying on Twitter about how they can’t wait for a “feminazi”, or whatever, to die.

Honestly, on the old site, I would have agreed, but nowadays you can’t take that for granted. I’m sure there will be an army of MRAs and other assorted Trump supporters braying on Twitter about how they can’t wait for a “feminazi”, or whatever, to die.

Seriously... what a tire fire of a year...

Ugh, Kinja commenting is so broken. I tried to edit my original post to indicate I was being sarcastic, but of course the edit didn’t save and now my comment just appears twice. I think I’m about done commenting on this site. Fuck.

2017 just keeps getting better and better!

2017 just keeps getting better and better!

Edit: This is heavy sarcasm. 2017 is trash and this news is tragic.

Some ninjagoff came up with it

I hope the show addresses this with an episode where Rick meets the insufferable members of his interdimensional fan club, and immediately proceeds to exploit and discard them, as is his wont.

Even this reply is awesome.