
2017: the year in which I find myself siding with both Lindsey Graham and Juggalos. Who would have thunk.

Twin Peaks is awesome and NIN is awesome and this song is awesome.

I want to like this so much... why can’t the singer be on key? :-(


Every time I see your username I wish it was a ninja that had been turned into a cat.

I’m not falling for that one again! Not after those first two times!

Literally exactly what happened. I long for the day when people finally wake up to how absolutely evil the police in the country are.

I’m pretty sure the wall is not made out of ice, it’s simply covered in it... the books make that clear. I don’t think melting through magic stone is going to work.

Except not really. “So-and-so and four others recommended your post” WHO ARE THE OTHERS

Yeah comment history didn’t work for me either, alas.

I’ve had many names and many faces, but I’ve been here since the dark ages, since before there were comments even. I was here when cancerAIDS spread far and wide across the land, and herds of majestic Zodiac Motherfuckers roamed free and proud.

Firsties, I guess. *drinks*

Is it just me or are there way more MRAs and sexual assault apologists post-Kinja? Or maybe the crappy commenting system just guarantees them a certain number of upvotes now? Either way it’s horrible.

Is it possible to see who upvoted you anymore? Quality matters just as much as quantity!

Oh god, we can’t sort by “best” anymore... damn, that’s going to make things pretty rough for me.

Ah, sitting: the great leveler. From the mightiest pharoah to the lowliest peasant, who doesn’t enjoy a good sit?

Hey guys, the account transfer process was broken for me until I logged out of Disqus. Try logging out and then clicking the “Claim your account” button if you’re having issues.

He's been biding his time, crafting the perfect comment. He's not one of these weirdos with a compulsion to comment, nay— when Wizard With Fries comments, it's going to be a comment for the ages, one that really shows that Crow fella what's what…

You just know somebody in that GOP office literally google image searched "Asian family american flag" and used the first image that didn't have a watermark.

I know many of you will not survive tomorrow's scheduled Kinjageddon. It's been an honor and a privilege. This has been one of the finest communities I've ever found on the net, one of the few places I could go to share everything from radically progressive politics, in-depth analysis of Star Trek episodes