Butt Mud Brooks

I don’t need to refute shit man, your the one who said that this happens consistently in only basketball and football. So where is the information that your basing this on, bc by the looks of what you are saying, predominantly black sports = full of criminals

basketball? I think that is your underlying racism speaking.

Haha, magaman, good one.

Wow, 19 people upvoted a comment calling for multiple people to be shot in the head over something that really wasn’t a big deal at all. These must be the end times.

and yet you not only clicked on it, but added multiple comments. do you understand how the internet works?

You probably don’t have to be filthy rich to own a small piece of an NBA team like OKC. Additionally, that guy is a grown ass man, so just bc his father has a lot of money doesn’t mean the son does as well. I’d be very surprised if Beverly isn’t wealthier than that dork, if not far wealthier.

What does this comment mean? Who is the lying white boy here?

You should just go back to Germany.

why salt the earth where the university once stood? Wouldn’t that kill all the worms?

All war is a racket - Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler.

Do you honestly think the Celtics are a legit, powerhouse 1 seed or something who are capable of blowing out/sweeping the first round. As a Bulls fan I am so mad that they got in instead of the Heat, and will now inevitably retain the awfulness that is Gar/Pax/Hoiberg. Tear it all down Chicago, get rid of everyone not

Exactly. Though I am not quite at that age, I know a fair amount of people, my sister for example, who remember those crazy horror stories from DARE class which puts them in a less than desirable mental place prior to going on a trip. but speaking of horror stories, a guy from my HS went to a music fest. in college,

I totally agree with your point that everyone should try psychedelics at least once. I have tripped probably 50-60 times and while I love me some boomers, a few doses of quality LSD is so much more enjoyable, smoother, and without the inevitable stomach cramps that come with shrooms. I feel like the only people that

He made a stereotypical comment, not a racist one, pretty big difference.

Alternative, terrible, horrible, no good, very bad take...

Why do we even compare Russ to Oscar when they are playing a completely different game today? There was hardly, if any, defense being played back then, whereas today if you aren’t giving close to max effort on the defensive side you get benched. There is simply no way in hell that Wilt could play every minute of every

If any part of the body is touching out of bounds and the ball simultaneously, the ball is considered out of bounds as well. That should have been one of the few easy calls all night.

What’s the deal with home teams wearing their road uni’s? It annoys me for some unexplainable reason

Or just went to another school

what does this comment mean? Why didn’t these “would be athletes” get scholarship offers between 2012-15? Bad verbiage here