Butt Mud Brooks

Destroy is an awfully strong word. I’m a little young to remember the first 2 titles, but that Sonics team was really good, and the Jazz were too, and in no scenario do i see a destruction by the Spurs. Also, can we stop trying to compare teams separated by close to 20 years of change and evolution to the game of NBA

He did play nearly the entire game at full tilt, put up a near triple double with 39 points, was clearly gassed, and was still able to take care of the ball and find open shooters for great looks that didn’t fall. LeBron deserves absolutely no blame for this loss and is the primary reason it was a close game to begin

I’m a huge MJ homer and grew up a bulls fan, but this take is simply bad. For at least 10 years now, if not more, LJ has been the undisputed heavy weight champ of the NBA. And seriously, who, other than you I guess, has ever said LeBron is selfish? I’ll wait...

So Pip is top 20 all time in your book eh? You realize that wade is probably the 3rd best SG of all time right? If I asked 100 bball experts to pick who ranks higher all time between Wade and Pip, I’d imagine either a 50 50 split or slight edge to Wade. Not “wade is certainly not top 20 all time while Pippen is.”

I was listening to the Le Batard show today and they said that ratings were up this year over last. It could have certainly been Stugotz being Gotz, but no one corrected him, and their producer is on point with correcting him when he talks bullshit.

Is there anyone out there arguing that? I feel it is pretty clear, especially with him now playing just a tick below elite defense, that Durant is the 2nd best player in the NBA and easily the best on the warriors. 30 of 30 teams are taking him without hesitation before anyone else on GS.

The playoffs have undoubtedly been anti climatic thus far, but i have enjoyed watching incredibly talented athletes/ball players put on a show night in and out. The Warriors may be a little detestable at this point, but they truly do play a beautiful almost pornographic style of basketball which is a joy to watch.

poor effort by you. given the disparity of talent, he should get run out of this finals.

the Cavs without LeBron are a borderline playoff team, as we have seen time and again when he doesn’t play, so basically they are a “super team” only bc of his transcendent talent. And how exactly did Kyrie bail his ass out? If my memory serves me right, LJ lead both teams in all major statistical categories, so he

Can anyone explain how the photographer on that last photo of Durant dunking was able to achieve that look?

oh the glory of being the 69th person to like this comment.

This is sarcasm right?

War is a racket - Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

You may think it’s silly, but these artists with no discernible talent or redeeming qualities, who come out of nowhere to find themselves wealthy and famous, have sold their souls for it hence Post Malone’s constant saluting of his god, baphomet, by almost always having the Il Cornuto/devil horns hand gesture in his

Are you saying people like Bomani, Foxworth, Le Batard, Ley, Torre, Haberstroh, Arnovitz, Lowe, Kimes, Ramona, Wickersham (though I only mention him based on the great Seahawks article he posted recently) even Windhorst, who imo is a much better reporter than he’s given credit for, amongst many others there, don’t

Shocker, Deadspin is vehemently dismissing a conspiracy bc the police and WaPo said so. The cognitive dissonance with DS writers and commenters, whether it is writing/knowing about how corrupt big pharma is while at the same time defending vaccine safety to the death or knowing that politicians/our government in

Never watched the show, but I find it dumbfounding that a network would cancel such a solid moneymaker with consistently good ratings for no conceivable reason. I’d have to imagine someone, whether it be another terrestrial network or Netflix will pick it up for the easy money it will bring.

This is admittadely a really dumb thing to be annoyed by, but why do so many people refer to LeBron as LBJ? It makes no sense considering his middle name is Raymone. Should refer to demarcus cousins as DMC. I’ll go stand in the corner now.

FWIW, I wasn’t trying to be a dick. I see it so much though that I thought maybe it was some weird thing with the English language where certain places use loose instead of lose.

It’s lose, not loose. Why do I see this typo everywhere. Is it a different language thing?