So cocky and overbearing parents are typically spousal abusers in your world? Glad I don’t live there.
So cocky and overbearing parents are typically spousal abusers in your world? Glad I don’t live there.
Ronaldo can dunk
what’s a first team all star? Sounds impressive
A Lyndon Johnson Kyrie pairing sounds like a sweep.
So wait, was Paradise road bad or good? If it puts all other roads to shame, must be one hell of a road, and not sure why it’d need fixin
I can’t guess the pun...little help
Did you read my post? Not only am I pro home schooling, but was simply asking how a kid is allowed to participate on a high schools athletic teams when not actually enrolled in said high school. Or how/why they allow a kid to be “enrolled” but not have to attend class.
Let me get this straight, you can home school your child (which I am all for and will do if financially able due to common core) but still have him play for the local high schools athletic teams? He’s enrolled at the school, but doesn’t actually go to said school. I don’t understand how this is allowed. Why aren’t…
I think one of the main issues our global society faces today is a lack of empathy. We much prefer to judge the person and call them a fuckhead, than judge the action and leave it at that. If I could go back and look at the highlights of my own idiotic actions from 17-25, especially those coming on the heels of a…
I have said it before and will say it again, organized religion is the greatest, and most effective form of mind control/brainwashing we have likely ever seen on this planet. Why anyone believes they need religion in order to have a relationship with Source is beyond me. Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly some…
You must be Polians grand son or something. Many commenters here have already explained it quite succinctly. They did it bc they don’t care about being competent this year, $16 MIL is a drop in the bucket and there is a salary floor on top of that. They gave themselves an extra chance at getting a game changer. How…
2nd down and 9!
Ding ding ding, someone is paying attention. big pharma, and their endless supply of lobbyists, exert their influence in a way that is wholly detrimental to the health and well-being of us sheep. A healthy population does not make money for big pharma, so therefor these crooks have a vested interest in keeping us sick…
So glad I quit the Bears.
You cost the cubbies a title, dick.
Yes, and she timed it perfectly with a pinch off of the loaf.
Yet, you supported said shit post with a click and a comment. Do you understand how the internet works?
Let us not forget that the Jews were gifted a sovereign country as restitution, and have been systematically eradicating (genociding for the lay person) the Palestinians since. How this is allowed to continue, especially with the rise of SJW’s fighting for even the most benign slight’s, is beyond me. I mean can you…
Good effort, but dim sum is Chinese, which, contrary to popular belief, is a whole separate country from South Korea.