
For what its worth:

Their headquarters is in California. The one in my town is across the street from a Starbucks & Johnny johns, a mall, and in between an Office Depot(i think? ) and Taco Bell. So not all are in the ghetto,…

I always figured if something like a BMW tried to pull me I’d call 911, indicate what I’m in and where and ask if they’ve had a real officer call in trying to pull me. If no, send a real one because some crazy is after me, lol.

Haven’t heard that one before, either. Makes me think of ‘peacekeeper’ 😬

Why do people feel they need to tell how how to live your life, anyway?

-Can confirm as current Forester & minivan owner. 1 kid, road trip? Just fine. 2? Really pushing it. And my wife is just over 5' tall and she wasn’t very comfortable with the rear facing seat behind her (at 6' I physically couldn’t sit in the passenger seat). After I had more than 2, forget the Forester for family

Minivans are awesome*

Haha. I wasn’t trying to nitpick, just stating I don’t understand that mentality.

I don’t. At one point my parents had a minivan(‘93 Astro) and I own one now. I’ll never understand that logic of hating what you grew up riding in ,…

You could definitely make a series of “beer with Jalops” and feature who, their favorite beer, maybe their car or garage ,…of Jalops you meet along with way😂

Good point, and now that you say it. He likely was trying to cause a wreck. Years later I’m still boggled as to why? Oh well. Life goes on.

At least if your legitimately passing people , your using the left lane for what it’s intended as. I admit I’ve gotten frustrated when someone is in the left lane passing but still doing much slower than what I want. But I don’t tailgate them. What burns me up is when slower traffic jumps in front of me to yes,

100% at fault? Brake checking is a dick move. No doubt. I’ve done it when I was younger and in the heat of the moment and not proud of it. But I won’t pretend to be holier than thou when I’m not.

In addition to poor maintenance and/or crap driving as already mentioned? Cars break down. Stuff stops working. Computers can glitch. Electronics can fail , even on a properly maintained vehicle.

“Idiot? I’m not an idiot. This is a prius! Im saving the environment at a reasonable 57MPH, sign must be for someone else”

Yikes, I don’t live in places with that happening regularly because I don’t want to regularly deal with that in ANY car.

I hate that drivers have all liability. I used to have to drive through James Madison University campus/housing areas to & from work. I can think of at least 1 crosswalk where there is a trail through the woods and literally in the middle of the road is a crosswalk where the signs clearly state you have to stop for

I’ve got mixed opinions about parking way out in the last spot and finding someone next to me.

(EDITED: The pic looks fine when I am entering it in, but seems to look like deal after its posted?? )

Heart click for falling down meme/reference.