Gracie and Blue ❤️. They are all beyond adorable . I’m going to see next week about volunteering at our local pet shelter.
“Don’t put spoiled milk back in the fridge and expect it to be fresh again” - My Uncle’s advice re: getting back with an ex
This advice was given to me years ago after I sent off an email I really shouldn’t have, which was very insubordinate, to my direct supervisor. Rather than fire me, which would have been completely deserved, I was sat down by my superior and he explained that he understood how passionate I was about certain topics,…
I was working as a cocktail waitress in a topless bar, and it was exactly as tedious, gross, and demoralizing as you would imagine it to be. One night, I went to close out a table of older men, and when they started talking in front of me about what to tip me. One of them turned to me and said “Honey, here’s a tip for…
Hi Krispy I love the cat pics every week, and I always find your captions enhance the experience. I’m autistic and struggle to understand moods and feelings from facial expressions, so they also help in that regard. As you show your cat pics, here’s one of mine. This is Sir Billy-Billington Bilbo Baggins, or Bill as…
The penis is a waste disposal system, so I don't see what that Hotep is going on about.
Your choice in best newscaster is wrong -
The NDP are Canada’s overtly socialist/public sector union party. Jack Layton, a sort of Canadian version of Lenin, managed to push them up to official opposition status through sheer charisma and willpower after Trudeau’s predecessors bungled several elections for the Liberal Party.
Then Layton died of cancer and his…
I don’t want to minimize or gloss over anyone’s problems. I agree that first guy needs to stay away from that woman. But...
Look, I want to vote for another party, but let’s be real here, neither the NDP or Greens have a chance in hell of forming the next government. Seriously, do want the Conservatives (with actual racists in the party), and a leader previously said he doesn’t believe same sex marriage is “real” marriage? Sorry, I live…
It’s a little different. I’ve I were an American citizen, I would definitely want Warren to lead the Democrats. But, in the unfortunate event that Biden got the nomination, you have to vote for him, because the alternative is Trump. In my case, I wish the Liberal party had a different leader, but I would rather…