
You are most welcome. I remembered you inquiring after Erle Stanley last week and made sure to pay him a visit.

The Dustbunny. Ten years ago, I heard someone at the gym say she was taking the cat to be euthanized because the toddler didn't like her. 

This dummy had no idea how I knew he was peeing on the lilacs again. Best dog ever.

Awrgh, go on then...

Orion says the results of the Cutest Rescue Dog contest aren't official because Jezzie dogs weren't there.  Show us all of your cute rescue dogs.

Shelter Cat Update!

As we all know the most innovative and daring way to “push boundaries” is to shout racial and homophobic slurs like a 12-year-old who thinks he’s getting away with something. Way to crack the code, you risk-taking comic genius you.

I gave Erle Stanley’s tummy a vigorous rubbin’ just this morning. I shall endeavor to work him into next week’s update.

Shelter Cat Update!

Yikes that first one. Idk man, this may be an unpopular opinion but people please don’t jump into marriage so fast. Live together at least a year or two to really get enough time to learn how you two are together after the newness/excitement or honeymoon period simmers down. You never really know a person until you

Come on, even *Canadians* aren’t interested in Canadian history. That’s why they repackage it as Heritage Minutes and show it during hockey games.


Now playing

I just know I’m going to have a miserable week or so with everything going on in this country right now. We’ve fully entered “words don’t have meanings, facts are less important than belief” territory now.

It’s funny how much they resemble each other in the face in this pic and the header yet Dinklage is handsome and Dorsey isn't. 

I’m starting to get the feeling this religion thing may be less about loving your neighbor and more about violently attacking anyone you don’t like.

I have designated those as my “shelter shoes” lol.

Shelter Cat Update!

Weekly Achievement/Do-Gooder Thread! What have you done this week that you are particularly proud of, or who/what have you helped? Reply and let us know so that we can celebrate you!

OMG, me too! They are especially awful if they are white (the sunglasses, not the men) and have one of those neck chords. Or they wear them on the back of their heads.

Wrap around sunglasses. I loathe them, and they’re gross. I knew a guy who was really sweet, smart, funny, feminist, didn’t assume he knew everything, could chat with me about anything, flirted really well... Then he rocked up in wrap around sunglasses and I lost all interest. Just gone. We’re friends still, but I’m